

c# Programming Glossary: formwindowstate.minimized

How to detect when a windows form is being minimized?


Run one instance of program


base.WndProc ref M_C private void ShowMe if WindowState FormWindowState.Minimized Show WindowState FormWindowState.Normal get our current TopMost.. eventArgs if this.MainForm.WindowState FormWindowState.Minimized this.MainForm.WindowState FormWindowState.Normal this.MainForm.Activate..

Send message to a Windows process (not its main window)


0xCDCD m.LParam.ToInt32 0xEFEF if WindowState FormWindowState.Minimized WindowState FormWindowState.Normal Bring window to front...

Disabling Minimize & Maximize On WinForm?


Restoring window from the system tray when allowing only one instance of that program


MainFormResize object sender EventArgs e if WindowState FormWindowState.Minimized this.Hide this.ShowInTaskbar false When the program is..

minimize app to system tray


Check whether the form ™s WindowState property is set to FormWindowState.Minimized. If yes hide your form enable the NotifyIcon object and show.. private void frmMain_Resize object sender EventArgs e if FormWindowState.Minimized this.WindowState mynotifyicon.Visible true mynotifyicon.ShowBalloonTip..

Restoring Window Size/Position With Multiple Monitors


common error Saves the WindowState correctly. Saving FormWindowState.Minimized is disabled by design. The bounds and state are stored in the..