

c# Programming Glossary: formsauthenticationticket

Storing more information using FormsAuthentication.SetAuthCookie


share improve this question You can add user data to the FormsAuthenticationTicket then generate the cookie yourself. There's an example in the.. There's an example in the the MSDN documentation for FormsAuthenticationTicket . EDIT Note that when creating the ticket you need to set the.. FormsAuthentication.Decrypt and inspect the generated FormsAuthenticationTicket . Or upgrade to .NET 4.x where there is a FormsAuthentication.Timeout..

Cookie Confusion with FormsAuthentication.SetAuthCookie() Method


and what I've done is to write your own cookie like this FormsAuthenticationTicket authTicket new FormsAuthenticationTicket 1 version userName.. cookie like this FormsAuthenticationTicket authTicket new FormsAuthenticationTicket 1 version userName user name DateTime.Now creation DateTime.Now.AddMinutes.. an encrypted cookie Dim authTicket As System.Web.Security.FormsAuthenticationTicket _ New System.Web.Security.FormsAuthenticationTicket _ 1 _ UserName..

When `PostAuthenticateRequest` gets execute?


FormsAuthentication.FormsCookieName if authCookie null FormsAuthenticationTicket authTicket FormsAuthentication.Decrypt authCookie.Value var..

How can I handle forms authentication timeout exceptions in ASP.NET?


if authenticationCookie null FormsAuthenticationTicket authenticationTicket FormsAuthentication.Decrypt authenticationCookie.Value..

Generating cryptographically secure authentication tokens


a Forms Auth ticket with the username and the user data. FormsAuthenticationTicket formsTicket new FormsAuthenticationTicket 1 username DateTime.Now.. the user data. FormsAuthenticationTicket formsTicket new FormsAuthenticationTicket 1 username DateTime.Now DateTime.Now.AddMinutes DefaultTimeout.. Forms Auth ticket object back from the encrypted Ticket FormsAuthenticationTicket formsTicket FormsAuthentication.Decrypt encryptedTicket split..

MVC Custom Authentication, Authorization, and Roles Implementation


inclusion in the cookie below. var userData var ticket new FormsAuthenticationTicket 1 user.Email DateTime.UtcNow DateTime.UtcNow.AddMinutes 30 false..

Forms Authentication understanding context.user.identity


true error checking does happen here. if Authenticated FormsAuthenticationTicket ticket new FormsAuthenticationTicket 1 userName DateTime.Now.. if Authenticated FormsAuthenticationTicket ticket new FormsAuthenticationTicket 1 userName DateTime.Now DateTime.Now.AddMinutes 30 rememberUserName.. Get the form authentication ticket of the user FormsAuthenticationTicket ticket identity.Ticket Get the roles stored as UserData into..