

c# Programming Glossary: formatter.serialize

InvalidCastException when serializing and deserializing


buffer new MemoryStream var formatter new BinaryFormatter formatter.Serialize buffer this buffer.Position 0 return buffer.ToArray public static..

How do you do a deep copy an object in .Net (C# specifically)?


var ms new MemoryStream var formatter new BinaryFormatter formatter.Serialize ms obj ms.Position 0 return T formatter.Deserialize ms Notes..

C#: Writing a CookieContainer to Disk and Loading Back In For Use


cookies.dat using Stream s File.Create file formatter.Serialize s cookies ... CookieContainer retrievedCookies null using Stream..

Methods for deep cloning objects in C#


stream new MemoryStream var formatter new BinaryFormatter formatter.Serialize stream obj stream.Position 0 return T formatter.Deserialize..

How does BinaryFormatter.Deserialize create new objects?


MemoryStream BinaryFormatter formatter new BinaryFormatter formatter.Serialize stream car1 stream.Seek 0 SeekOrigin.Begin Car car2 Car formatter.Deserialize..

Byte for byte serialization of a struct in C#


new BinaryFormatter MemoryStream stream new MemoryStream formatter.Serialize stream frame Byte buffer stream.ToArray return buffer I have..

VS debugging “quick watch” tool and lambda expressions


Serializable classes and dynamic proxies in EF - how?


past the clone 's check if line above but now it breaks at formatter.Serialize stream source with System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationException..

Deep cloning objects in C#


Stream stream new MemoryStream using stream formatter.Serialize stream source stream.Seek 0 SeekOrigin.Begin return T formatter.Deserialize..

Is there a much better way to create deep and shallow clones in C#?


Stream stream new MemoryStream using stream formatter.Serialize stream source stream.Seek 0 SeekOrigin.Begin return T formatter.Deserialize..