

c# Programming Glossary: foo.txt

Common programming mistakes in .Net when handling exceptions? [closed]


does not have permission to determine the name of file C foo.txt . Great. Thanks for letting me know. What is stopping said assembly..

simultaneous read-write a file in C#


to as well as add changes of my own. Think like Tail f foo.txt . Based on this thread it looks like I should just create a.. to see if it can be done. Here is the example case I tried foo.txt a b c d e f string test foo.txt System.IO.FileStream fs new.. the example case I tried foo.txt a b c d e f string test foo.txt System.IO.FileStream fs new System.IO.FileStream test System.IO.FileMode.OpenOrCreate..

How to implement glob in C#


but the first element of a file path e.g. PathTail C TEMP foo.txt TEMP foo.txt summary param name path file path param returns.. element of a file path e.g. PathTail C TEMP foo.txt TEMP foo.txt summary param name path file path param returns all but the..

How to check if a specific file exists in directory or any of its subdirectories


var MyList from f in Directory.GetFiles tempScanStorage foo.txt SearchOption.AllDirectories where System.IO.Path.GetFileName..

open file in exclusive mode in C#


the following code but not working even if I opened the foo.txt I still can reach the Console.WriteLine statement. Any ideas..