

c# Programming Glossary: forecolor

Enum and property naming conflicts


both should add something to the name i.e. BackColor and ForeColor instead of Color and BackColor . share improve this answer..

custom dialog with a text field in winmobile


in the picture with BackColor SystemColors.Highlight and ForeColor SystemColor.HighlightText and bold the font then put a panel..

Count total rows of gridview with pagination


nbsp asp Label ID notifyLbl runat server Font Size Large ForeColor Red Text Label asp Label td tr tr td colspan 4 asp.. 4 asp Label ID titleLbl runat server Font Size Large ForeColor Red Text Label asp Label td tr tr td colspan 4 asp.. runat server AutoGenerateColumns False CellPadding 4 ForeColor #333333 AllowPaging True onpageindexchanging appForVacGrid_PageIndexChanging..

How to find control in TemplateField of GridView?


False DataKeyNames ID# B H PageSize 20 CellPadding 4 ForeColor #333333 GridLines Both OnRowDataBound grvYourOpt_RowDataBound.. HeaderStyle BackColor #5D7B9D Font Bold True ForeColor White RowStyle BackColor #F7F6F3 ForeColor #333333 Columns asp.. Font Bold True ForeColor White RowStyle BackColor #F7F6F3 ForeColor #333333 Columns asp TemplateField HeaderTemplate i HeaderTemplate..

How to change the color of progressbar in C# .NET 3.5?


this question In the designer you just need to set the ForeColor property to whatever color you'd like. In the case of Red there's.. a predefined color for it. To do it in code C# do this pgs.ForeColor Color.Red Edit Oh yeah also set the Style to continuous. In..

Make foregroundcolor black or white depending on background


not sure how to use this to select black or white Color foreColor PerceivedBrightness backColor 130 Color.Black Color.White You..

TreeView Remove CheckBox by some Nodes


type e.Node as Node .typ if type 5 type 6 Color backColor foreColor if e.State TreeNodeStates.Selected TreeNodeStates.Selected .. backColor SystemColors.Highlight foreColor SystemColors.HighlightText else if e.State TreeNodeStates.Hot.. TreeNodeStates.Hot backColor SystemColors.HotTrack foreColor SystemColors.HighlightText else backColor e.Node.BackColor..