

c# Programming Glossary: globalization

String format currency


it display a pound sign. How do I achieve this c# .net globalization share improve this question I strongly suspect the problem..

Will a request in IIS run on a single thread?


you can set the culture in the web.config file. system.web globalization culture ja JP uiCulture zh HK system.web You can also set it..

Loop through all the resources in a resx file


the resource manager and not read files directly to ensure globalization is taken into account. using System.Collections using System.Globalization..

Where is the system locale/culture set for .Net


the machine.config file and specify culture en GB for the globalization section it was set to neutral but it doesn't work either have..

Localization: How to map culture info to a script name or Unicode character range?


the user having to do anything. c# localization .net 2.0 globalization culture share improve this question In native code there's..

how to convert string to double with proper cultureinfo


this working for all the browsers c# .net localization globalization share improve this question You need to define a single..

Extending Enums, Overkill?


ToUpper to compare strings which is easily broken think globalization . Such comparisons should be done with string.Compare instead..

Best way to implement multi-language/globalization in large .NET project


way to implement multi language globalization in large .NET project I'll soon be working on a large c# project..

Regular expression for validating names and surnames?


validation c# regex localization internationalization globalization share improve this question I actually wouldn't bother...

How can I detect the encoding/codepage of a text file


ask the user to specify more text. c# .net text encoding globalization share improve this question You can't detect the codepage..