

c# Programming Glossary: googlesearchresults

Parse JSON in C#


protected void Page_Load object sender EventArgs e GoogleSearchResults g1 new GoogleSearchResults const string json @ responseData.. object sender EventArgs e GoogleSearchResults g1 new GoogleSearchResults const string json @ responseData results GsearchResultClass.. null responseStatus 200 g1 JSONHelper.Deserialise GoogleSearchResults json Response.Write g1.content public class JSONHelper public..

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Deserializing JSON using C#


b u003e cacheid TxVqFzFZLOsJ C# Snippet public class GoogleSearchResults public string link get set public class Program static void.. content JavaScriptSerializer js new JavaScriptSerializer GoogleSearchResults results js.Deserialize GoogleSearchResults Json Console.WriteLine.. GoogleSearchResults results js.Deserialize GoogleSearchResults Json Console.WriteLine results Console.WriteLine htmlDoc Console.ReadLine..