

c# Programming Glossary: googling

What is a good tutorial/howto on .net / c# socket programming


hive mind while I proceed with my generally unproductive googling. I'm using UDP not TCP at this time. c# sockets network programming..

How to resize window using XNA


However all solutions I have found after over an hour of googling are essentially the same thing. Everyone says that in order..

C# Test if user has write access to a folder


UnauthorizedAccessException return false When I was googling how to test for write access nothing like this came up and it..

Cross-thread operation not valid: Control accessed from a thread other than the thread it was created on


it was created on. To know more about this I did some googling and a suggestion came up like using the following code CODE..

Using StringWriter for XML Serialization


afterwards I never found a result using StringWriter when googling. The second is of course If you should not do it with StringWriter..

Equivalent of typedef in C#


to get some sort of similar behaviour I've done some googling but everywhere I look seems to be negative. Currently I have..

C# compiler number literals


Is there one for forcing to Double Decimal UInt32 I tried googling for this but could not find anything. Maybe my terminology is..

C# how to add Excel Worksheet programatically Office XP / 2003


Type.Missing Type.Missing But I get a COM Exception and my googling has not given me an answer. I am hoping someone maybe able to..

Workflow Design Dilemma - State Machine, yes or no


a beginner with WF but I've read a book and done a lot of googling. I want to write an inventory management service. The inventory..

How to avoid Outlook security alert when reading outlook message from C# program


stored in Outlook. Do you want to allow this'. By some googling I found few third party COM libraries to avoid this. But I am..

What is wrong with ToLowerInvariant()?


is more reliable than ToLower. In the future I suggest googling first I do that for all those FxCop warnings I get thrown around..

Drag and drop to Desktop / Explorer


Thanks Edit Thanks for the solution I still had to do some googling. Here's my complete solution . c# .net wpf drag and drop explorer..

How do I suspend painting for a control and its children?


custom controls and devexpress controls. After a lot of googling and reflector usage I came across the WM_SETREDRAW win32 message...

Large Switch statements: Bad OOP?


statement to something more manageable. I've done some googling to find the solutions I recall but sadly Google has become a..

CORS Support within WCF REST Services


AJAX Here are some key words phrases that I've been googling binging that finally led me somewhere. Result Exception... Component..

Hex To String C#


25 40 A5 FF . I tried most functions I found after a quick googling but most of them have input parameter type string and if I call..

ASP.NET How To Stream File To User


Response.Close and Response.End but after doing more googling and research its clear that I haven't seen a common way a Byte..

Is it possible to bind a Canvas's Children property in XAML?


without resorting to a code behind approach I've done some googling on the subject but haven't come up with much for this specific..

Setting up Hook on Windows messages


the documentation of setwindowshookex and also did some googling but am really lost as I have no background of C# and handling..

Encrypting & Decrypting a String in C#


involving salts keys mucking about with byte etc. Been Googling and confused at what I'm finding you can see the list of similar..

Why use a using statement with a SqlTransaction?


a SqlTransaction I'm using in my code. During my Googling I see many people using a using statement with a SqlTransaction...

How do I save/serialize a custom class to the settings file?


ReportType reportType Settings.Default.SelectedReportType Googling seems to suggest that it is possible but there doesn't appear..

What's the best way to enter numbers in Windows Mobile? (.NET CF 3.5)


it to the original author. Update well after 2 seconds of Googling I've found that the proximate source of this code was Daniel..

Resources for 2d game physics [closed]


blindly use someone else's work. I've done a good bit of Googling and while I've found a few tutorials on GameDev etc. I find..

Regex : how to get words from a string (C#)


drei I'm no hero at regular expressions and I've been Googling but my Google kungfu seams to be weak... How would I go from..

Visual Studio C# statement collapsing


things like ifs switches foreaches that kind of thing Googling into that a bit I discovered that apparently C outlining in..

Why does C# forbid generic attribute types?


C# does not support generic attributes. However after much Googling I can't seem to find the reason. Does anyone know why generic..

Visual Studio Installer > How To Launch App at End of Installer


of Installer This is probably a stupid question and my Googling just is not functioning today. I have an application I added..

What are the hard bounds for drawing coordinates in GDI+?


that yet. Also after finishing this experiment and then Googling for the value 1073741951 I came across this article which correlates..

Extending the list of supported image formats in GDI+


following registry key Software Microsoft Imaging Codecs Googling for that key will send you to an MSDN article that talks about..

Show Images from outside of ASP.NET Application


You should use an HttpHandler to show the images. Googling for httphandler images turns up numerous examples on how to..

“LinkedHashMap” in C# 3.0


linkedhashmap share improve this question A bit of Googling seems to show that there is no built in C# equivalent for LinkedHashMap..

EF Code First: How do I specify that a property should generate a TEXT column rather than an nvarchar(4000)


cannot seem to find a way to do this After quite a bit of Googling and reading I tried to specify the column type using DataAnnotations..

Convert DateTime to Julian Date in C# (ToOADate Safe?)


C# to do this directly but I have found many posts while Googling suggesting the use of ToOADate . The documentation on ToOADate..

What is an .axd file?


and its controls. I'd like to know more about it. I tried Googling for it but could not find getting basic information. c# asp.net..

C# Downloader: should I use Threads, BackgroundWorker or ThreadPool?


problem was that my cpu goes 100 at each new thread start. Googling around I found the existence of BackgroundWorker and ThreadPool..

How can I make a ComboBox non-editable in .net?


in the text portion of the ComboBox control. My initial Googling of this turned up an overly complex misguided suggestion to..

Is there a way to check if a file is in use?


. I would like to find a way around this but all my Googling has only yielded creating checks by using exception handling...

WCF Service or Web API


operations which are non CRUD in nature I'd recommend Googling REST non CRUD . I found this blog post RESTful URLs for non..