

c# Programming Glossary: graph.facebook.com

Getting FB Page data from facebook using C#


URL with your facebook application's parameters https graph.facebook.com oauth access_token type client_cred client_id yourappid client_secret.. the Facebook Graph API with returning token General https graph.facebook.com wikipedia access_token token Posts https graph.facebook.com.. wikipedia access_token token Posts https graph.facebook.com wikipedia posts access_token token An example code would be..

(OAuthException - #2500) An active access token must be used to query information about the current user


receive a post. WebRequest request WebRequest.Create https graph.facebook.com oauth access_token grant_type client_credentials client_id 201193246663533..

Facebook Graph API: Have app access token, need user access token without interaction


for the pages that the user manages using this url https graph.facebook.com userid accounts access_token token The JSON returned from this.. to generate your user access token as explained here https graph.facebook.com oauth access_token client_id .. redirect_uri .. client_secret.. check whether the user access token is expired with https graph.facebook.com debug_token input_token INPUT_TOKEN access_token ACCESS_TOKEN..

Posting image from .NET to Facebook wall using the Graph API


simple version using post but the real photos method. http graph.facebook.com me photos I think I'm facing two problems a .NET and a Facebook.. parameters string responseContent string finishedUrl https graph.facebook.com me photos parameters access_token facebookAccessToken message.. Yet another way is to post an image into Wall Album by URL graph.facebook.com wall album id photos . But didn't found any way to create sucha..

Facebook C# SDK and Access Token


you can get an access token by POSTing to this URL https graph.facebook.com oauth access_token grant_type client_credentials client_id APP_ID_HERE..

ASP.NET Post to Facebook Wall


Session _FB_USER_GRAPH_ID var url string.Format https graph.facebook.com 0 feed graphId var req WebRequest.Create url req.Method POST.. F 'access_token 0 ' F 'message This is a test...' https graph.facebook.com 1 feed accessToken graphId byte byteArray Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes.. you to interact with http. You want to post to an https graph.facebook.com graphId feed access_token token with the postData being message..

facebook c# sdk getting started


their FacebookLoginDialog.cs to use the folling URL https graph.facebook.com oauth access_token grant_type client_credentials client_id APPID..