

c# Programming Glossary: gr

Fade a panel- Windows forms


create a bitmap of the control. And then blend from a background bitmap to the foreground bitmap with a timer. I'll use a.. And then blend from a background bitmap to the foreground bitmap with a timer. I'll use a UserControl instead of a.. the parent. Call FadeOut to make it blend back to the background. Pass true if you want to automatically dispose the control..

How to auto crop an image?


™image is displaying inside another image with some background That background color is also changing its look like this.. inside another image with some background That background color is also changing its look like this image. I have.. autoCropImage null try autoCropImage selectedImage create grayscale filter BT709 Grayscale filter new Grayscale 0.2125 0.7154..

Place watermark image on other images (C#, ASP.Net)


img System.Drawing.Image.FromStream ms Graphics gr Graphics.FromImage img Font font new Font Tahoma float 40 Color.. i 0 i font new Font Tahoma i FontStyle.Bold SizeF sizef gr.MeasureString watermarkText font int.MaxValue sin Math.Sin.. stringFormat.LineAlignment StringAlignment.Center gr.SmoothingMode SmoothingMode.AntiAlias gr.RotateTransform float..

Mobile Device Detection in asp.net


7 0 os wa ze fetc fly _ g1 u g560 gene gf 5 g mo go .w od gr ad un haie hcit hd m p t hei hi pt ta hp i ip hs c ht c _ a..

Converting Bitmap PixelFormats in C#


using Graphics gr Graphics.FromImage clone gr.DrawImage orig new Rectangle 0.. using Graphics gr Graphics.FromImage clone gr.DrawImage orig new Rectangle 0 0 clone.Width clone.Height Dispose..

parallel openmp c#


object sender EventArgs e if path openimage mack image gray scale Graphics g this.CreateGraphics g.Clear this.BackColor.. help me as soon as u can i believe in this site and all programmers here... c# image processing parallel processing openmp.. you are clearly writing code to convert a color image to a gray scale image. Color transforms are natively supported by GDI..

Resizing an image in asp.net without losing the image quality


bmp or png images. If the uploaded image dimensions are greater then 103 x 32 the I want to resize the uploaded image to.. Bitmap nnx nny PixelFormat.Format32bppArgb using Graphics gr Graphics.FromImage cpy gr.Clear Color.Transparent This is.. using Graphics gr Graphics.FromImage cpy gr.Clear Color.Transparent This is said to give best quality when..

How to pass parameters to a custom ActionFilter in ASP.NET MVC 2?


ActionFilterAttribute public IGenesisRepository gr get set public Guid memberGuid get set public override void.. ActionExecutingContext filterContext Member thisMember gr.GetActiveMember memberGuid Member bottomMember gr.GetMemberOnBottom.. gr.GetActiveMember memberGuid Member bottomMember gr.GetMemberOnBottom if thisMember.Role.Tier bottomMember.Role.Tier..

how do i add text to image in c# or vb.net


in c# or vb.net HELLO am an average visual studio programmer i need a function or routine to add text to the button.. on it like i showed in the image please ideas Edit Am programming with visual studio 2008 on winxp. The application is a.. var newImage new Bitmap bmp.Width bmp.Height 50 var gr Graphics.FromImage newImage gr.DrawImageUnscaled bmp 0 0 gr.DrawString..

String.Equals() not working as intended


through one of my Entity Framework tables and find a group based on the name. The name is a string and appears to be.. to search for. Debugging through the code I already have a group named Test in my database. Once I pass in a group named TEST.. have a group named Test in my database. Once I pass in a group named TEST I expect it to return the Test which was already..

Is there an efficient algorithm for segmentation of handwritten text?


average. Finally it turned out into some kind of linear regression trying to minimize the difference between the blank rows.. C# with my self coded GA classical with 2 point crossover gray code chromosomes maximum population is 40 mutation rate is.. it's not difficult to find peaks in the pixel sum histogram. A raw histogram will look something like this where the profile..

Resizing an Image without losing any quality [closed]


newImage new Bitmap newWidth newHeight using Graphics gr Graphics.FromImage newImage gr.SmoothingMode SmoothingMode.HighQuality.. newHeight using Graphics gr Graphics.FromImage newImage gr.SmoothingMode SmoothingMode.HighQuality gr.InterpolationMode.. newImage gr.SmoothingMode SmoothingMode.HighQuality gr.InterpolationMode InterpolationMode.HighQualityBicubic gr.PixelOffsetMode..