

c# Programming Glossary: newwidth

Resize image gdi+ graphics .net


img Image.FromStream originalImage int newWidth int newHeight byte arr if img.Width img.Height if img.Width.. img.Dispose arr thumbStr.ToArray return arr newWidth newMaxWidth newHeight int float newWidth float img.Width float.. return arr newWidth newMaxWidth newHeight int float newWidth float img.Width float img.Height else if img.Height newMaxHeight..

c# Image resizing to different size while preserving aspect ratio


int newHeight Convert.ToInt32 originalHeight ratio int newWidth Convert.ToInt32 originalWidth ratio Now calculate the X Y position.. white padding graphic.DrawImage image posX posY newWidth newHeight end new code System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageCodecInfo..

WPF Image to byte[]


but without using WPF Bitmap newBMP new Bitmap originalBMP newWidth newHeight System.IO.MemoryStream stream new System.IO.MemoryStream..

Resize image proportionally with MaxHeight and MaxWidth constraints


image.Height var ratio Math.Min ratioX ratioY var newWidth int image.Width ratio var newHeight int image.Height ratio var.. newHeight int image.Height ratio var newImage new Bitmap newWidth newHeight Graphics.FromImage newImage .DrawImage image 0 0 newWidth..

Resizing an Image without losing any quality [closed]


the best you can do in c# is Bitmap newImage new Bitmap newWidth newHeight using Graphics gr Graphics.FromImage newImage gr.SmoothingMode..