

c# Programming Glossary: node.attributes

Changing App.config at Runtime


XmlNode node in item.ChildNodes if node.Name key node.Attributes 0 .Value value break xmlDoc.Save AppDomain.CurrentDomain.SetupInformation.ConfigurationFile..

How to get all input elements in a form with HtmlAgilityPack


form2 .SelectNodes . input Console.WriteLine node.Attributes value .Value The statement doc.GetElementbyId form2 .SelectNodes.. in secondForm.Elements input HtmlAttribute valueAttribute node.Attributes value if valueAttribute null Console.WriteLine valueAttribute.Value..

HTML Agility Pack strip tags NOT IN whitelist


node return if node.HasAttributes for int i node.Attributes.Count 1 i 0 i HtmlAttribute currentAttribute node.Attributes.. 1 i 0 i HtmlAttribute currentAttribute node.Attributes i string allowedAttributes Whitelist node.Name if allowedAttributes.Contains.. if allowedAttributes.Contains currentAttribute.Name node.Attributes.Remove currentAttribute if node.HasChildNodes SanitizeChildren..

How to change XML Attribute


XmlNode node xmlDoc.SelectSingleNode Root Node Element node.Attributes 0 .Value newValue xmlDoc.Save xmlFile xmlFile is the path of..

How do I read and parse an XML file in C#?
