

c# Programming Glossary: nogateway

C# Background worker setting e.Result in DoWork and getting value back in WorkCompleted


If the nubmer is blocked display error message. if this.IsNoGateway sipUsername statusDisplay1.PhoneNumber this.SetIdleState DialerErrorMessage.GetErrorDescription.. 12 e.Cancel true e.Result NoGateway return if this.IsInvalidTelephoneNumber sipUsername statusDisplay1.PhoneNumber.. if e.Cancelled Failed switch e.Result.ToString case NoGateway Console.WriteLine NoGateway Failed break case InvalidNumber..

C# Finalize/Dispose pattern


to demonstrate the Finalize dispose pattern public class NoGateway IDisposable private WebClient wc null public NoGateway wc new.. NoGateway IDisposable private WebClient wc null public NoGateway wc new WebClient wc.DownloadStringCompleted wc_DownloadStringCompleted.. Start the Async call to find if NoGateway is true or false public void NoGatewayStatus Start the Async's..