

c# Programming Glossary: nodelist

In C#, sign an xml with a x.509 certificate and check the signature


node and create a new XmlNodeList object. XmlNodeList nodeList Doc.GetElementsByTagName Signature Throw an exception if no.. Signature Throw an exception if no signature was found. if nodeList.Count 0 throw new CryptographicException Verification failed.. an exception if more than one signature was found. if nodeList.Count 2 throw new CryptographicException Verification failed..

Signing SOAP messages using X.509 certificate from WCF service to Java webservice


elegant way to do so XmlNode headerNode null XmlNodeList nodeList doc.GetElementsByTagName Action if nodeList.Count 0 headerNode.. XmlNodeList nodeList doc.GetElementsByTagName Action if nodeList.Count 0 headerNode nodeList 0 .ParentNode headerNode.RemoveChild.. Action if nodeList.Count 0 headerNode nodeList 0 .ParentNode headerNode.RemoveChild nodeList 0 Set the body..

Saving content of a treeview to a file and load it later


BinaryFormatter object obj bf.Deserialize file TreeNode nodeList obj as IEnumerable TreeNode .ToArray tree.Nodes.AddRange nodeList..

Populate WinForms TreeView from DataTable


EDIT 4 The following is providing a runtime error. if nodeList.Find FindNode null DataRow childRows dt.Select ParentNoteID.. this noteID as dirty already added . doneNotes.Add noteID nodeList.Add node The error is as follows Cannot find column ea8428e4.. private TreeNode RecurseRows DataRow rows List TreeNode nodeList new List TreeNode TreeNode node null foreach DataRow dr in rows..

How to remove an XmlNode from XmlNodeList


on a condition. How to do it foreach XmlNode drawNode in nodeList Based on a condition drawNode.RemoveAll need to remove the entire.. this question This should do the trick for you for int i nodeList.Count 1 i 0 i nodeList i .ParentNode.RemoveChild nodeList i.. do the trick for you for int i nodeList.Count 1 i 0 i nodeList i .ParentNode.RemoveChild nodeList i If you loop using a regular..