

c# Programming Glossary: nodetype

How do you serialize a string as CDATA using XmlSerializer?


Sample1Xml internal Sample1Xml XmlElement node public NodeType Node get set #region Nested type NodeType public class NodeType.. node public NodeType Node get set #region Nested type NodeType public class NodeType XmlAttribute attr1 public string Attr1.. Node get set #region Nested type NodeType public class NodeType XmlAttribute attr1 public string Attr1 get set XmlAttribute..

ReSharper Warning - Access to Modified Closure [duplicate]


i Run through items backwards. HistoryItem crumb crumbs i NodeType type nodeType Local to capture type. MenuItem menuItem new MenuItem.. type menu.MenuItems.Add menuItem Note that I capture the NodeType type local note nodeType and HistoryItem crumb.ItemGuid not..

XmlReader - Self-closing element does not fire a EndElement event?


parse an XML file using a loop while xml.Read switch xml.NodeType case XmlNodeType.Element Do something case XmlNodeType.Text.. using a loop while xml.Read switch xml.NodeType case XmlNodeType.Element Do something case XmlNodeType.Text Do something case.. xml.NodeType case XmlNodeType.Element Do something case XmlNodeType.Text Do something case XmlNodeType.EndElement Do something I..

How to get XElement's value and not value of all child-nodes?


parent element you should look for child nodes that have NodeType properties equal to XmlNodeType.Text . These nodes will be of.. for child nodes that have NodeType properties equal to XmlNodeType.Text . These nodes will be of type XText . The following sample.. child parent var textNodes from c in p.Nodes where c.NodeType XmlNodeType.Text select XText c foreach var t in textNodes..