

c# Programming Glossary: normal

Most elegant way to generate prime numbers


computes the first million primes in about a second on a normal laptop public static BitSet computePrimes int limit final BitSet..

XDocument or XMLDocument


supports lazy output . XmlReader and XmlWriter are the normal ways of streaming XML in .NET but you can mix all the APIs to..

Understanding Garbage Collection in .net


and alters the last used address. And changes it from its normal value to the address of the last instruction in the method...

Embedding JavaScript engine into .NET (C#)


as some sort of DSL . It's much easier and safer to allow normal people programming in js than C#. c# javascript spidermonkey..

Big integers in C#


preferably free libraries or is this level of performance normal c# biginteger largenumber j# share improve this question..

How to use reflection to call generic Method?


Is there a better alternative than this to 'switch on type'?


redundant casting and give a syntax that is similar to a normal switch case statement. For example here is TypeSwitch in action..

Call ASP.NET Function From Javascript?


want to do it using AJAX or any other way and just want a normal ASP.NET postback to happen here is how you do it without using..

How do you give a C# Auto-Property a default value?


Person Name Default Name public string Name get set Using normal property syntax with a default value private string name Default..

WPF MVVM Newbie - how should the ViewModel close the form?


and Password which are bound to the view in the XAML using normal data bindings. It also has a Login command which is bound to.. which is bound to the Login button on the form agan using normal databinding. When the Login command fires it invokes a function..

How do I get the path of the assembly the code is in?


C# DLL config file


reason when you retrieve a Configuration object using the normal method the object you get back is tied to the configuration..

Change default app.config at runtime


seem to do anything because I still get the data from the normal app.config. I used this code to test it Console.WriteLine ConfigurationManager.AppSettings.. although combinedConfig contains other values than the normal app.config. c# .net app config share improve this question..

Why catch and rethrow Exception in C#?


e wrapped chained exceptions just like java . finally normal clean goes here like closing open files . Catch the more specific..

Is there a reason for C#'s reuse of the variable in a foreach?


to declaring a variable outside the loop and under normal circumstances the only reason I can think of for doing this..

C# Finalize/Dispose pattern


the source code Here I have not added the finalizer. And normally the finalizer will be called by the GC and the finalizer will.. resources you simply implement a Dispose method as with normal interface implementations public sealed class A IDisposable..

What's the use/meaning of the @ character in variable names in C#?


so the identifier might be seen in other languages as a normal identifier without the prefix. An identifier with an @ prefix..

Is there a .NET/C# wrapper for SQLite?


sqlite3.dll you can even rename it to sqlite3.dll . Unlike normal mixed assemblies it has no linker dependency on the .NET runtime..

Creating Excel document with OpenXml sdk 2.0


0U Count UInt32Value 3U new CellStyles new CellStyle Name Normal FormatId UInt32Value 0U BuiltinId UInt32Value 0U Count UInt32Value..

In C#, why can't i test if a event handler is null anywhere outside of the class that it's defined?


add remove yourself e.g. private EventHandler clickHandler Normal private field public event EventHandler Click add Console.WriteLine..

C# Normal Random Number


Normal Random Number I would like to create a function that accepts..

WPF DataGrid: DataGridComboxBox ItemsSource Binding to a Collection of Collections


5 10 5 Height 100 HorizontalAlignment Stretch FontWeight Normal ItemsSource Binding Path OperationsStats AlternatingRowBackground..

How to convert a gi-normous integer (in string format) to hex format? (C#)


format I want to be able to generate it's hex equivalent. Normal methods don't apply here as we are talking arbitrarily large..

What's the difference between “groups” and “captures” in .NET regular expressions?


it will store that in x x being any digit let's say 1 . Normal regex engines when the capturing parentheses are to be repeated..

extracting mantissa and exponent from double in c#


normalisation bit in the mantissa if exponent 0 exponent Normal numbers leave exponent as it is but add extra bit to the front.. another 52 from it. exponent 1075 if mantissa 0 return 0 Normalize while mantissa 1 0 i.e. Mantissa is even mantissa 1 exponent..

How to connect and use Firebird db embedded server with Visual C# 2010


use compact .Net data provider. because they made it for Normal and super firebird servers only. it won't work with embedded..

How to make a Template Window in WPF?


CanResizeWithGrip Condition Property WindowState Value Normal MultiTrigger.Conditions Setter Property Visibility TargetName..

Overriding button background in WPF on Aero


friggin' control template thrown in there lifted from Aero.NormalColor.xaml . Alas this changes nothing. I then go about removing.. Button.Style Style TargetType Button ##### Normal state button background added ##### Setter Property Background..

WPF/MVVM - how to handle double-click on TreeViewItems in the ViewModel?


IsSelected Mode TwoWay Setter Property FontWeight Value Normal Style.Triggers Trigger Property IsSelected Value True Setter..

How would I run an async Task<T> method synchronously?


GetCustomers return await Service.GetCustomersAsync Normal usage public async void GetCustomers customerList await GetCustomers..

Is using a Mutex to prevent multiple instances of the same program from running safe?


would cause a second instance of the application to throw. Normal Process Startup Second Process starts up and aquires a handle..

System crashing when the print button is clicked


private void DefineStyles Style style _document.Styles Normal style.Font.Name Verdana style _document.Styles StyleNames.Header.. Create a new style called Table based on style Normal style _document.Styles.AddStyle Table Normal style.Font.Name.. on style Normal style _document.Styles.AddStyle Table Normal style.Font.Name Verdana style.Font.Size 6 Create a new style..

Restoring Window Size/Position With Multiple Monitors


this is the default this.WindowState FormWindowState.Normal this.StartPosition FormStartPosition.WindowsDefaultBounds check.. EventArgs e base.OnClosed e only save the WindowState if Normal or Maximized switch this.WindowState case FormWindowState.Normal.. or Maximized switch this.WindowState case FormWindowState.Normal case FormWindowState.Maximized Settings.Default.WindowState..