

c# Programming Glossary: node.name

How to select nodes with XPath in C#?


node in xmlDoc.SelectNodes Template Console.WriteLine 0 1 node.Name node.InnerText c# .net xpath share improve this question..

HTML agility pack - removing unwanted tags without removing content?


var node nodes.Dequeue var parentNode node.ParentNode if node.Name strong node.Name em node.Name u node.Name #text var childNodes.. var parentNode node.ParentNode if node.Name strong node.Name em node.Name u node.Name #text var childNodes node.SelectNodes.. node.ParentNode if node.Name strong node.Name em node.Name u node.Name #text var childNodes node.SelectNodes . . text..

Changing App.config at Runtime


foreach XmlNode node in item.ChildNodes if node.Name key node.Attributes 0 .Value value break xmlDoc.Save AppDomain.CurrentDomain.SetupInformation.ConfigurationFile..

How to get xpath from an XmlNode instance. C#


case XmlNodeType.Attribute builder.Insert 0 @ node.Name node XmlAttribute node .OwnerElement break case XmlNodeType.Element.. index FindElementIndex XmlElement node builder.Insert 0 node.Name index node node.ParentNode break case XmlNodeType.Document..

Recursive TreeView in ASP.NET


foreach var node in nodes TreeNode newNode new TreeNode node.Name node.Id.ToString if parentNode null treeView1.Nodes.Add newNode..

Mutating the expression tree of a predicate to target another type


return Expression.Parameter activeRecordType node.Name With this visitor GetMany becomes IEnumerable DataContract.Widget..

HTML Agility Pack strip tags NOT IN whitelist


HtmlNodeType.Element if Whitelist.ContainsKey node.Name node.ParentNode.RemoveChild node return if node.HasAttributes.. node.Attributes i string allowedAttributes Whitelist node.Name if allowedAttributes.Contains currentAttribute.Name node.Attributes.Remove.. HtmlNodeType.Element if Whitelist.ContainsKey node.Name if DeletableNodesXpath.Contains node.Name DeletableNodesXpath.Add..

Saving content of a treeview to a file and load it later


TreeNode node in treeViewFiles.Nodes sb.AppendLine node.Name SaveFileDialog saveList new SaveFileDialog saveList.DefaultExt..

Populate WinForms TreeView from DataTable


dr NoteName .ToString noteID Convert.ToInt32 dr NoteID node.Name noteID.ToString node.ToolTipText noteID.ToString This method..