

c# Programming Glossary: nocount

Insert entire DataTable into database at once instead of row by row?


@dt AS dbo.MyDataTable READONLY AS BEGIN SET NOCOUNT ON INSERT dbo.RealTable column list SELECT column list FROM..

How to pass an array into a SQL Server stored procedure


@List AS dbo.EmployeeList READONLY AS BEGIN SET NOCOUNT ON SELECT EmployeeID FROM @List END GO Now in your C# code DataTable.. @List VARCHAR MAX AS BEGIN SET NOCOUNT ON SELECT EmployeeID Item FROM dbo.SplitInts @List ' ' END GO..

What's a good alternative to firing a stored procedure 368 times to update the database?


varchar 6 '' @TotalDiscount money 0 AS BEGIN SET NOCOUNT ON added to prevent extra result sets from interfering with.. result sets from interfering with SELECT statements. SET NOCOUNT ON Insert statements for procedure here Update OrderDetail Set..

Error in Updating a table using datetime as parameter in Stored procedure


@LogTime varchar 10 @LogOuttime varchar 10 AS BEGIN SET NOCOUNT ON update Mst_Attendance set FNLogged @FNLogged ANLogged @ANLogged..

C# calling SQL Server stored procedure with return value


@SeqName nvarchar 255 as begin declare @NewSeqVal int set NOCOUNT ON update AllSequences set @NewSeqVal CurrVal CurrVal Incr where..

SCOPE_IDENTITY() always returning 0


500 @Order_Count int @lastrecord INT OUTPUT AS BEGIN SET NOCOUNT ON added to prevent extra result sets from interfering with.. result sets from interfering with SELECT statements. SET NOCOUNT ON INSERT INTO SalesDWH . dbo . QuickLabDump Specimen ID Client..