

c# Programming Glossary: nodes.count

How to read a singly linked list backwards?


Node while head null nodes.Push head head head.Next while nodes.Count 0 yield return nodes.Pop .Value share improve this answer..

HTML agility pack - removing unwanted tags without removing content?


HtmlNode document.DocumentNode.SelectNodes . . text while nodes.Count 0 var node nodes.Dequeue var parentNode node.ParentNode if..

Deserialize XML To Object using Dynamic [duplicate]


return true var nodes _root.Elements binder.Name if nodes.Count 1 result nodes.Select n new DynamicXml n .ToList return true..

XPath and *.csproj


var nodes doc.SelectNodes ItemGroup Console.WriteLine nodes.Count whoops zero Of course there are nodes named ItemGroup in the.. works var nodes doc.SelectNodes @Include Console.WriteLine nodes.Count found some With other documents XPath works just fine. I am..

C# Picturebox transparent background doesn't seem to work


How to remove an XmlNode from XmlNodeList


nodes doc.SelectNodes some xpath query for int i nodes.Count 1 i 0 i nodes i .ParentNode.RemoveChild nodes i doc.Save fileName..