

c# Programming Glossary: noise

Why is OfType<> faster than Cast<>? [closed]


int.ToString takes. This drastically reduces the signal to noise ratio. Edit As sixlettervariables pointed out the reason for..

How can I generate truly (not pseudo) random numbers with C#?


with very high randomness entropy based on atmospheric noise . Data is freely available for download. This may nonetheless..

Recommend an Open Source .NET Barcode Reader Library [closed]


points. It is more flexible but you may have to parse out noise. Of course you will want to start with the cleanest image possible...

Detecting audio silence in WAV files using C#


there isn't any silence... they will only be areas of soft noise line hum ambient background noise etc . All that said an algorithm.. only be areas of soft noise line hum ambient background noise etc . All that said an algorithm that should work would be to..

Linq query built in foreach loop always takes parameter value from last iteration


query with them like so boiled down to remove the code noise List string keys FillKeys foreach string key in keys q q.Where..

Why doesn't VS 2008 display extension methods in Intellisense for String class


see the String method they were looking for in the noise. String is a ... simple type and it's better to view it that..

Is DbContext the same as DataContext?


they are exactly same but they reduced lot of extra noise that ObjectContext had. Like exposing a set required more work..

Why do I need the Singleton design pattern?


is complicated enough to avoid filling your brain with noise . However design patterns come very handy at a later stage...

using c# .net librarires to check for IMAP messages from gmail servers


KB IP imaplibrary.aspx fid 91819 df 90 mpp 25 noise 5 sort Position view Quick fr 26 select 2562067#xx2562067xx..

Dictionary<T> of List<T> and ListViews in ASP.NET


event without all the the casting and FindControl noise. I doubt I'd bother in this case but it would go something like..

Help with SAPI v5.1 SpeechRecognitionEngine always gives same wrong result with C#


it as stereo 44.1 kHz and 32 bit float. I silenced the noise in the beginning and end resampled to 22.050 kHz removed the..

Lucene indexing: Store and indexing modes explained


Tokenizing is splitting up the content and removing the noise words separators like and or etc I don't have a clue what norms..

Using Statements vs Namespace path? C#


look at this as silly and verbose. There is just so much noise and people just know that Path is from System.IO Console is..

Is there a performance hit for creating Extension methods that operate off the object type?


of the time you're not going to do that. Doing this adds noise to the tooling and makes it harder to find what you really want...

C# Events and Thread Safety


copy check idiom is cargo cult programming adding mess and noise to your code. To actually protect against other threads requires..

Is there an efficient algorithm for segmentation of handwritten text?


of 'find rages' function and found that there is too much noise in 'unrecognized' place. The function code is below public double..

Restoring Window Size/Position With Multiple Monitors


KB dialog restoreposition.aspx fid 1249382 df 90 mpp 25 noise 3 sort Position view Quick select 2595746 But I have yet to..