

c# Programming Glossary: node.selectsinglenode

I can't write into config file


element that contains the key XmlElement elem XmlElement node.SelectSingleNode string.Format add @key ' 0 ' key if elem null add value for.. 'add' element with coresponding key node.RemoveChild node.SelectSingleNode string.Format add @key ' 0 ' key doc.Save getConfigFilePath..

Google Weather API 403 Error


node in weathlist City.Text Brisbane CurCond.Text node.SelectSingleNode condition .Attributes data .Value Wimage.ImageUrl http www.google.com.. data .Value Wimage.ImageUrl http www.google.com node.SelectSingleNode icon .Attributes data .Value Temp.Text node.SelectSingleNode.. icon .Attributes data .Value Temp.Text node.SelectSingleNode temp_c .Attributes data .Value °C As I said I am able to pull..

Modifying App.Config file at the time of installation using c#


element that contains the key XmlElement elem XmlElement node.SelectSingleNode string.Format add @key ' 0 ' key if elem null add value for.. 'add' element with coresponding key node.RemoveChild node.SelectSingleNode string.Format add @key ' 0 ' key doc.Save getConfigFilePath..

Getting specified Node values from XML document


CNode foreach XMlNode node in CNodes XmlNode example node.SelectSingleNode Example if example null string na example Name .InnerText string..

How to programatically modify assemblyBinding in app.config?


null throw new Exception Invalid Configuration File node node.SelectSingleNode @newVersion if node null throw new Exception Invalid Configuration..