

c# Programming Glossary: nonce

(Attempting to) migrate from WSE 3.0 to WCF for client code


is not supported in wcf ootb. in addition your token uses nonce created which is also not ootb. you have 2 options this oss.. is also not ootb. you have 2 options this oss project adds nonce created to the username token. this oss project adds the ability.. clear you know the username . the only tricky two are the nonce and the timestamps which you could look how to do in this oss..

Has anybody implemented 2 Legged OAuth using DNOA?


header... string sigMethodType GetSigMethodType string ts nonce normalizedUrl normalizedParams string sig GenerateSignature.. new Uri http some endpoint to call GET out nonce out ts out normalizedUrl out normalizedParams string header.. ts OAuthTokenKey String.Empty OAuthNonceKey nonce OAuthVersionKey OAuthVersion Once you have the authorization..

Error in WCF client consuming Axis 2 web service with WS-Security UsernameToken PasswordDigest authentication scheme


custom tokens but how should one apply the digest and nonce as required Any help welcomed. UPDATE I've had some limited..

Integrating Facebook chat


method serverresponse.Split ' ' 1 .Split ' ' 1 string nonce serverresponse.Split ' ' 2 .Split ' ' 1 string SessionKey AccessToken.Split.. string sig api_key appId call_id callId method method nonce nonce session_key SessionKey v 1.0 AppSecret MD5 md MD5.Create.. sig api_key appId call_id callId method method nonce nonce session_key SessionKey v 1.0 AppSecret MD5 md MD5.Create var..

WCF: Adding Nonce to UsernameToken


web services share improve this question To create the nonce I had to change a few things First added a custom binding in.. 0627 42d9 b5fb 6e880b60f8ee and modify it to create the nonce just a random hash base 64 encoded protected override void WriteTokenCore.. created.ToString yyyy MM ddThh mm ss.fffZ string nonce Convert.ToBase64String Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes SHA1Encrypt created..

(Attempting to) migrate from WSE 3.0 to WCF for client code


token profile 1.0#PasswordText nice try wsse Password wsse Nonce KJMvUuWF2eO2uIJCuxJC4A wsse Nonce wsu Created 2012 05 17T11.. try wsse Password wsse Nonce KJMvUuWF2eO2uIJCuxJC4A wsse Nonce wsu Created 2012 05 17T11 25 41Z wsu Created wsse UsernameToken.. wss wssecurity secext 1.0.xsd var nonce doc.CreateElement Nonce http docs.oasis open.org wss 2004 01 oasis 200401 wss wssecurity..

Restful Login - proper implementation


and hence you redirect him to login page. Formation of Nonce is given in http www.ietf.org rfc rfc2617.txt . Once the nonce..

Error in WCF client consuming Axis 2 web service with WS-Security UsernameToken PasswordDigest authentication scheme


profile 1.0#PasswordDigest Removed wsse Password wsse Nonce Removed wsse Nonce wssu Created 2010 05 28T12 50 33.675 01 00.. Removed wsse Password wsse Nonce Removed wsse Nonce wssu Created 2010 05 28T12 50 33.675 01 00 wssu Created wsse.. wsse Username wsse Password Removed wsse Password wsse Nonce Removed wsse Nonce wsu Created 2010 06 24T16 23 58Z wsu Created..

Correct way communicate WSSE Usernametoken for SOAP webservice


1 Type http schemas.xmlsoap.org ws 2005 02 trust Nonce bI4xuyKwZ8OkQYBRnz2LDNV zhIOnl0nwP24yI1QAwA t BinarySecret t..

WCF: Adding Nonce to UsernameToken


Adding Nonce to UsernameToken I'm trying to connect to a web service written.. except one part of the SOAP message as it's missing the Nonce and Created part nodes. Obviously I'm missing something so if.. token profile 1.0#PasswordDigest .. wsse Password wsse Nonce 6ApOnLn5Aq9KSH46pzzcZA wsse Nonce wsu Created 2009 05 13T18..

Invalid signature for signing requests to the Flickr API (simulation in console)


1970 1 1 .TotalSeconds .ToString Console.WriteLine Nonce nonce Console.WriteLine TimeStamp timestamp Console.WriteLine..