

c# Programming Glossary: rootnode

TreeView child node populating problem


Text Three private void InitializeTreeView TreeNode rootNode new TreeNode Root TreeNode dummyNode new TreeNode Loading. Please.. new TreeNode Loading. Please wait... dummyNode.Tag dummy rootNode.Nodes.Add dummyNode _treeView.Nodes.Add rootNode public class.. dummy rootNode.Nodes.Add dummyNode _treeView.Nodes.Add rootNode public class SomeClass public string Text get set share improve..

Serialize object to XmlDocument


and wrap it in a detail element var rootNode serialiseToDocument.CreateNode XmlNodeType.Element detail rootNode.AppendChild.. serialiseToDocument.CreateNode XmlNodeType.Element detail rootNode.AppendChild serialisedNode UPDATE 2 Given John Saunders excellent.. infoNode Move into a root detail element var rootNode detailDocument.AppendChild detailDocument.CreateNode XmlNodeType.Element..

Populate WinForms TreeView from DataTable


then it is a childNode of that note otherwise it is a rootNode. It could also be a parent note but not a rootNode if another.. it is a rootNode. It could also be a parent note but not a rootNode if another row has it's ID as it's ParentNoteID. To complicate.. returned in the DataTable and is unique. foreach TreeNode rootNode in tvwCaseNotes.Nodes ColorNodes rootNode Color.MediumVioletRed..