

c# Programming Glossary: routedata.values.add

ASP.NET MVC Custom Error Handling Application_Error Global.asax?


if httpException null RouteData routeData new RouteData routeData.Values.Add controller Error switch httpException.GetHttpCode case 404.. httpException.GetHttpCode case 404 page not found routeData.Values.Add action HttpError404 break case 500 server error routeData.Values.Add.. action HttpError404 break case 500 server error routeData.Values.Add action HttpError500 break default routeData.Values.Add action..

URL Routing across multiple subdomains


var routeData new RouteData this new MvcRouteHandler routeData.Values.Add controller subdomain attempts to go to controller action of.. attempts to go to controller action of the subdomain routeData.Values.Add action Index Goes to the Index action on the User2Controller..

Is there a way to process an MVC view (aspx file) from a non-web application?


controller.GetType .Name var routeData new RouteData routeData.Values.Add controller controllerName.Remove controllerName.LastIndexOf.. controllerName.LastIndexOf Controller routeData.Values.Add action index var controllerContext new ControllerContext new..

Asp.net mvc override OnException in base controller keeps propogating to Application_Error


as HttpException RouteData routeData new RouteData routeData.Values.Add controller Error if httpException null routeData.Values.Add.. controller Error if httpException null routeData.Values.Add action PublicError else It's an Http Exception Let's handle.. httpException.GetHttpCode case 404 Page not found. routeData.Values.Add action HttpError404 break case 500 Server error. routeData.Values.Add..