

c# Programming Glossary: routevaluedictionary

ASP.Net MVC RouteData and arrays


href urlHelper.Action action controller if routeData null RouteValueDictionary rv new RouteValueDictionary routeData List string urlParameters.. controller if routeData null RouteValueDictionary rv new RouteValueDictionary routeData List string urlParameters new List string foreach.. href href builder.MergeAttributes new RouteValueDictionary htmlAttributes builder.SetInnerText text return builder.ToString..

TextBoxFor rendering to HTML with prefix on the ID attribute


ValidationMessageFor htmlHelper prefix expression null new RouteValueDictionary public static MvcHtmlString ValidationMessageFor TModel TProperty.. htmlHelper prefix expression validationMessage new RouteValueDictionary public static MvcHtmlString ValidationMessageFor TModel TProperty.. htmlHelper prefix expression validationMessage new RouteValueDictionary htmlAttributes public static MvcHtmlString ValidationMessageFor..

MVC ActionLink add all (optional) paramters from current url


I came up with which works In global.asax public static RouteValueDictionary optionalParamters NameValueCollection c RouteValueDictionary.. optionalParamters NameValueCollection c RouteValueDictionary r new RouteValueDictionary foreach string s in c.AllKeys r.Add.. NameValueCollection c RouteValueDictionary r new RouteValueDictionary foreach string s in c.AllKeys r.Add s c s return r Details.aspx..

Asp.net mvc override OnException in base controller keeps propogating to Application_Error


typeof NoAccessException filterContext.Result View new RouteValueDictionary new area controller Error action PublicError else Only return.. view no need for redirection filterContext.Result View new RouteValueDictionary new area controller Error action NoAccess advise subsequent..

Retrieving Property name from lambda expression


it would return a unaryexpression for those. public static RouteValueDictionary GetInfo T this HtmlHelper html Expression Func T object action..