

c# Programming Glossary: storyboard.targetname

Getting names of local variables (and parameters) at run-time through lambda expressions


Byte Array to Bitmap Image


Why my user control crashes Visual Studio?


UIElement.Projection . PlaneProjection.RotationX Storyboard.TargetName FrontSide EasingDoubleKeyFrame KeyTime 0 Value 0 EasingDoubleKeyFrame.. UIElement.Projection . PlaneProjection.RotationX Storyboard.TargetName BackSide EasingDoubleKeyFrame KeyTime 0 Value 90 EasingDoubleKeyFrame.. Storyboard.TargetProperty UIElement.Visibility Storyboard.TargetName FrontSide DiscreteObjectKeyFrame KeyTime 0 0 0.2 DiscreteObjectKeyFrame.Value..

Storyboards cant find ControlTemplate elments


Duration 0 0 0.4 FillBehavior HoldEnd Storyboard.TargetName buttonGlow Storyboard.TargetProperty GlowSize To 4 ColorAnimation.. ColorAnimation Duration 0 0 0.6 FillBehavior HoldEnd Storyboard.TargetName background Storyboard.TargetProperty Panel.Background . SolidColorBrush.Color.. Duration 0 0 0.2 FillBehavior HoldEnd Storyboard.TargetName buttonGlow Storyboard.TargetProperty GlowSize To 0 ColorAnimation..

Fading out a window


DoubleAnimation Name FormFadeOutAnimation Storyboard.TargetName FormFadeOut Storyboard.TargetProperty Window.Opacity From..

Validation Error Style in WPF, similar to Silverlight


Storyboard DoubleAnimation Duration 00 00 00.15 Storyboard.TargetName errorBorder Storyboard.TargetProperty Opacity To 1 ThicknessAnimation.. Opacity To 1 ThicknessAnimation Duration 00 00 00.15 Storyboard.TargetName errorBorder Storyboard.TargetProperty Margin FillBehavior.. Storyboard DoubleAnimation Duration 00 00 00 Storyboard.TargetName errorBorder Storyboard.TargetProperty Opacity To 0 Storyboard..

using attached events with caliburn micro Message.Attach


x Name myStoryboard BooleanAnimationUsingKeyFrames Storyboard.TargetName SSS Storyboard.TargetProperty IsChecked DiscreteBooleanKeyFrame..