

c# Programming Glossary: stringarray

LINQ to append to a StringBuilder from a String[]


code doesn't seem to do anything. What am I missing stringArray.Select x stringBuilder.AppendLine x Where as this works foreach.. x Where as this works foreach String item in stringArray stringBuilder.AppendLine item c# linq lambda stringbuilder.. can be enumerated over. I suppose that you could say var e stringArray.Select x stringBuilder.AppendLine x StringBuilder sb e.Last..

Using C# to check if string contains a string in string array


For example string stringToCheck text1text2text3 string stringArray text1 etc... if stringToCheck.contains stringArray one of the.. string stringArray text1 etc... if stringToCheck.contains stringArray one of the items How can I check if the string value for 'stringToCheck'.. is how you can do it string stringToCheck text1 string stringArray text1 testtest test1test2 test2text1 foreach string x in stringArray..

C# - Convert a string of hex values to hex


need to do is have a byte array of what thay are in hex stringArray 0 0x0f byteArray 0 0x0f How do I do this the user can load the..

Textbox Autocomplete in a DataGridView Winform


2 var source new AutoCompleteStringCollection String stringArray Array.ConvertAll DataRow String products.Select delegate DataRow.. DataRow row return String row code source.AddRange stringArray TextBox prodCode e.Control as TextBox if prodCode null prodCode.AutoCompleteMode..