

c# Programming Glossary: strfilename

MS Word Office Automation - Filling Text Form Fields And Check Box Form Fields And Mail Merge


oDoc new Document public void Open string strFileName object fileName strFileName object readOnly false object isVisible.. public void Open string strFileName object fileName strFileName object readOnly false object isVisible true object missing System.Reflection.Missing.Value.. ref missing oDoc.Activate public void SaveAs string strFileName object missing System.Reflection.Missing.Value object fileName..

Merging multiple PDFs using iTextSharp in c#.net


strOb e.Message public static int CountPageNo string strFileName we create a reader for a certain document PdfReader reader new.. for a certain document PdfReader reader new PdfReader strFileName we retrieve the total number of pages return reader.NumberOfPages..

Using C#, how does one figure out what process locked a file?


GetRegularFileNameFromDevice string strRawName string strFileName strRawName foreach string strDrivePath in Environment.GetLogicalDrives.. string strTargetPath sbTargetPath.ToString if strFileName.StartsWith strTargetPath strFileName strFileName.Replace strTargetPath.. if strFileName.StartsWith strTargetPath strFileName strFileName.Replace strTargetPath strDrivePath.Substring 0 2..