

c# Programming Glossary: string.concat

How to make Databinding type safe and support refactoring


supername return memberExpression.Member.Name return String.Concat supername '.' memberExpression.Member.Name case ExpressionType.Call..

C# webbrowser Ajax call


uint value using var key Registry.CurrentUser.CreateSubKey String.Concat @ Software Microsoft Internet Explorer Main FeatureControl feature..

C# WebBrowser Control - Form Submit Not Working using InvokeMember(“Click”)


value using var key Registry.CurrentUser.CreateSubKey String.Concat @ Software Microsoft Internet Explorer Main FeatureControl feature..

Hash and salt passwords in C#


string pwd string salt string saltAndPwd String.Concat pwd salt string hashedPwd FormsAuthentication.HashPasswordForStoringInConfigFile..

Why is String.Concat not optimized to StringBuilder.Append?


is String.Concat not optimized to StringBuilder.Append OK so concatenations..

Get an IDataReader from a typed List


0 arguments 1 typeof object var setter new DynamicMethod String.Concat _Set propertyInfo.Name _ typeof void arguments propertyInfo.DeclaringType.. 1 arguments 0 typeof object var getter new DynamicMethod String.Concat _Get propertyInfo.Name _ typeof object arguments propertyInfo.DeclaringType..

How should I concatenate strings?


dynamicString . Append dynamicString2 . ToString var str4 String.Concat abc dynamicString dynamicString2 There are similar questions.. not even mentioned in the answer that it is converted to String.Concat What's the best string concatenation method which is not really.. out to behave like this The operator is the same as the String.Concat this could be used on small concatenations outside a loop can..

string = string + int: What's behind the scene? (C#)


share improve this question It compiles to a call to String.Concat object object like this string sth String.Concat something 0.. a call to String.Concat object object like this string sth String.Concat something 0 Note that this particular line will actually be.. return Concat arg0.ToString arg1.ToString This calls String.Concat string string To discover this you can use ildasm or Reflector..

Is this the way to salt and store a Password in Db?


createDate DateTime.UtcNow Salt it string saltedPwd String.Concat password createDate.Ticks.ToString Hash it HMACSHA1 hash new..

Import XML to SQL using C#


param command.CreateParameter param.ParameterName String.Concat @ fieldNode.Attributes name param.Size fieldSize param.DbType.. paramNames String.Join @ fieldNames command.CommandText String.Concat INSERT INTO tableName columnNames VALUES @ paramNames return..

Boxing Occurrence in C#


for our C# code for example on string yields a call to String.Concat . When your ™e in doubt what the compiler generates and if boxing..

How many String objects will be created when using a plus sign?


result then the compiler seems to emit the code using String.Concat as @Joachim answered 1 to him btw . If you define them as constants..

How can I get the CheckBoxList selected values, what I have doesn't seem to work C#.NET/VisualWebPart


Write to the page the value. Response.Write String.Concat Selected Items YrStr Ensure you use the if IsPostBack condition..

Is there a JSON Web Token (JWT) example in C#?


if verify var bytesToSign Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes string.Concat header . payload var keyBytes Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes key var..

Dump SSIS USER variable name and value in SQL Server table


in pkgVars if pkgVar.Namespace.ToString User _coll.Add string.Concat pkgVar.Name ' ' pkgVar.Value Dts.Variables User VariableCollection.. variable .And for this i have concatenated name and value string.Concat pkgVar.Name ' ' pkgVar.Value Script task in the foreach loop..

Inno Setup for Windows service?


if System.Environment.UserInteractive string parameter string.Concat args switch parameter case install ManagedInstallerClass.InstallHelper..

Get Custom Attributes from Lambda Property Expression


expression string label return MvcHtmlString.Create string.Concat label for expression.GetInputName label label public static.. typeof RequiredAttribute return MvcHtmlString.Create string.Concat label for expression.GetInputName label label c# attributes..

Why is String.Concat not optimized to StringBuilder.Append?


compiler doesn't turn this string s for int i 0 i 100 i s string.Concat s i.ToString into this StringBuilder sb new StringBuilder for..

Get name of property as a string


var expression GetMemberInfo property string path string.Concat expression.Member.DeclaringType.FullName . expression.Member.Name..

Difference between string and StringBuilder in c#


as string foo a b c d e f will be rewritten to string foo string.Concat a b c d e f so you don't have to pay for five nonsensical concatenations..

Ignoring accented letters in string comparison


function static string RemoveDiacritics string text return string.Concat text.Normalize NormalizationForm.FormD .Where ch CharUnicodeInfo.GetUnicodeCategory..

GetMethod for generic method [duplicate]


T . It will treat all Action as matches for example string.Concat IEnumerable string and string.Concat T IEnumerable T will both.. matches for example string.Concat IEnumerable string and string.Concat T IEnumerable T will both match if searching for Concat with..

Does StringBuilder use more memory than String concatenation?


characters from these strings. This is essentially what string.Concat does. Example 2 You want to join an unspecified number of user..

C# Active Directory: Get domain name of user?


results null Assert.AreEqual FULLY TESTUSER1 string.Concat netBiosName foundLogin .ToUpperInvariant The source from which..

How is null + true a string?


it's actually able to compile the above as string x string.Concat a b c d which can create just a single string of exactly the..

Get the XPath to an XElement?


from e in element.Ancestors select relativeXPath e return string.Concat ancestors.Reverse .ToArray relativeXPath element summary Get..

c# datatable to csv


IEnumerable string fields row.ItemArray.Select field string.Concat field.ToString .Replace sb.AppendLine string.Join fields And..

Fastest function to generate Excel column letters in C#


' ' char ThirdLetter char intThirdLetter return string.Concat FirstLetter SecondLetter ThirdLetter .Trim c# excel performance..