

c++ Programming Glossary: bar.h

Clean up your #include statements?


INC_FOO_H contents of foo.cpp #include foo.h #include bar.h Foo Foo m_impl new Impl struct Foo Impl Bar m_bar ... etc .....

C++ class, its base class and circular include includes


FOO_H_ #define FOO_H_ #include baseclass.h #include bar.h class Bar class Foo public baseclass public bar varBar #endif.. Foo public baseclass public bar varBar #endif FILE #2 bar.h #ifndef BAR_H_ #define BAR_H_ #include foo.h class Foo class..

building and accessing a list of types at compile time


So for example foo.h class Foo ... INSERT ANY CODE HERE bar.h class Bar ... INSERT ANY CODE HERE main.h #include foo.h #include.. ... INSERT ANY CODE HERE main.h #include foo.h #include bar.h struct list_of_types typedef INSERT ANY CODE HERE type I can.. apply The code in foo.h should not know about the code in bar.h and vice versa. It should be possible to change the order of..

make include directive and dependency generation with -MM


of each dependency line like so foo.d foo.o foo.cpp foo.h bar.h baz.h I got the idea from this amazing paper on the dangers..

Avoiding Circular Dependencies of header files [duplicate]


wrong. As for example foo.h class foo public bar b bar.h class bar public foo f Is illegal you probably want foo.h class.. class bar forward declaration class foo ... bar b ... bar.h class foo forward declaration class bar ... foo f ... And this..

How to create two classes in C++ which use each other as data?


to the other class type Thanks Here's what I have File bar.h #ifndef BAR_H #define BAR_H #include foo.h class bar public.. f #endif File foo.h #ifndef FOO_H #define FOO_H #include bar.h class foo public bar getBar protected bar b #endif File main.cpp.. bar b #endif File main.cpp #include foo.h #include bar.h int main int argc char argv foo myFoo bar myBar g main.cpp In..