

c++ Programming Glossary: bool

Most effective way for float and double comparison


or two float values Simply doing this is not correct bool CompareDoubles1 double A double B return A B But something like.. double A double B return A B But something like bool CompareDoubles2 double A double B diff A B return diff EPSILON..

Best way to detect integer overflow in C/C++


than the largest operand's highest one bit. For example bool addition_is_safe uint32_t a uint32_t b size_t a_bits highestOneBitPosition.. at most the sum of the bits of the operands. For example bool multiplication_is_safe uint32_t a uint32_t b size_t a_bits highestOneBitPosition.. size of the result of a to the power of b like this bool exponentiation_is_safe uint32_t a uint32_t b size_t a_bits highestOneBitPosition..

What are Aggregates and PODs and how/why are they special?


equivalent to int a 3 1 2 3 When an object of scalar type bool int char double pointers etc. is value initialized it means.. it means it is initialized with 0 for that type false for bool 0.0 for double etc. . When an object of class type with a user.. 1 Attention only the first element is 1 the rest are 0 bool Array3 1000 the braces can be empty too. All elements initialized..

Operator overloading


rule of operator overloading and also define all the other boolean comparison operators. The canonical way to implement them.. The canonical way to implement them is this inline bool operator const X lhs const X rhs do actual comparison inline.. const X lhs const X rhs do actual comparison inline bool operator const X lhs const X rhs return operator lhs rhs inline..

Pretty-print C++ STL containers


typename C static int test ... public static const bool value sizeof test T 0 sizeof char Basic is_container template.. T struct is_container public std integral_constant bool is_container_helper T value Holds the delimiter values for a.. this private ostream_type _stream const char_type _delim bool _insertDelim #if _MSC_VER 1400 Declare pretty_ostream_iterator..

Where and why do I have to put the “template” and “typename” keywords?


could actually be in the union. Trying to cast a Union bool float to std string is a compile time error. The simple solution.. function with zero int and then compares the resulting bool against f . However as you might well know boost function in..

Why simple console app runs but dialog based does not run in WIN CE 6.0?


is created and my app does not open without any messages. BOOL CFffffApp InitInstance Standard initialization If you are not..

What does this C++ code mean?


value of the bit field shall compare equal. Example enum BOOL FALSE 0 TRUE 1 struct A BOOL b 1 A a void f a.b TRUE if a.b.. compare equal. Example enum BOOL FALSE 0 TRUE 1 struct A BOOL b 1 A a void f a.b TRUE if a.b TRUE yields true ... end..

How might I wrap the FindXFile-style APIs to the STL-style Iterator Pattern in C++?


return FindFirstFile lpFileName lpFindFileData static BOOL FindNext HANDLE hFindFile LPWIN32_FIND_DATAW lpFindFileData.. return FindNextFile hFindFile lpFindFileData static BOOL Close HANDLE hFindFile return FindClose hFindFile inline std.. if hFind INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE return BOOL success FindXFileFunctions_T FindNext hFind currentData if success..

Is 'volatile' needed in this multi-threaded C++ code?


abort or not. bool volatile threadParameterAbort_ ... BOOL CALLBACK ProgressBarDialog DialogProc HWND dialog UINT message..

To Use GOTO or Not?


routine rather than multiple return statements. Like below BOOL foo BOOL bRetVal FALSE int p NULL p new int if p NULL cout OOM.. than multiple return statements. Like below BOOL foo BOOL bRetVal FALSE int p NULL p new int if p NULL cout OOM n goto..

How to get screenshot of a window as bitmap object in C++?


you are not using MFC here the pure PrintWindow signature BOOL PrintWindow HWND hwnd HDC hdcBlt UINT nFlags see MSDN for more..

Windows 7 timing functions - How to use GetSystemTimeAdjustment correctly?


DWORD dwTimeAdjustment 0 dwTimeIncrement 0 dwClockTick BOOL fAdjustmentDisabled TRUE GetSystemTimeAdjustment dwTimeAdjustment.. NtSetTimerResolution IN ULONGRequestedResolution IN BOOLEANSet OUT PULONGActualResolution or via the multimedia timer..

Check at Compile-Time if Template Argument is void


I can have code as follows int WINAPI someFunc int param1 BOOL param2 body not accessible int main int ret someFunc 5 true..

Was boost::bool_testable<> relocated or removed?


people eventually started to either copy paste the Safe Bool Idiom code to their classes or some time later they started..

C++ plugin for Unity “EntryPointNotFoundExeption”


question Is this windows Because you are missing your Bool WINAPI DllMain HINSTANCE hinstDLL DWORD fdwReason LPVOID definition..

One-byte bool. Why?


Secondly how much safer is it to use the following struct Bool bool trueOrFalse 1 Thirdly even if it is safe is the above field..

Using generic methods?


corresponding reference types Integer Float Double Char Bool Short which has some overhead. Memory usage is identical since..

Why is “operator bool()” invoked when I cast to “long”?


You'd definitively benefit from reading about the Safe Bool Idiom . In general you didn't provide any other matchable casting..

Is there a way to make a C++ struct value-initialize all POD member variables?


my struct and add a new POD member variable say bool Bool I risk forgetting to add it to the initializer list. Then the..

What is the meaning of “operator bool() const” in C++


it is bad and for the solution to the problem see The Safe Bool Idiom. C 0x the forthcoming revision of the C Standard adds..

Undefined reference to 'vtable for xxx'


position is a final pos or not Takes A position Returns A Bool that represents if the position is a final 1 or not 0 . Possible..

Equivalent C++ to Python generator pattern


proper class class PairSequence typedef void PairSequence BoolLike void non_comparable public typedef std input_iterator_tag.. ptrdiff_t difference_type PairSequence done false Safe Bool idiom operator BoolLike const return done nullptr PairSequence.. PairSequence done false Safe Bool idiom operator BoolLike const return done nullptr PairSequence non_comparable reference..