

c++ Programming Glossary: boost.random

C++: generate gaussian distribution


improve this question The standard library does not. Boost.Random does however. I'd use that if I were you. share improve this..

List of header only boost libraries


compiled binaries Boost.DateTime Boost.Graph Boost.Math Boost.Random Boost.Test Note that some libraries may depend on these for..

Is the value of RAND_MAX always (2^n)-1?


a uniform distribution is described here . I recommend Boost.Random instead. The Mersenne twister generator represents a good tradeoff..

Deterministic random number generator tied to instance (thread independent)


instance Or would I have to switch to something like Boost.Random c multithreading random generator share improve this question.. Your compiler most likely already has something very like Boost.Random. C 0x includes a random header which is based on Boost.Random.. C 0x includes a random header which is based on Boost.Random with a few tweaks here and there . Before then TR1 a set of..

Consistent pseudo-random numbers across platforms
