

c++ Programming Glossary: casted

Reflective Factory in C++ Derived class unable to access protected methods?


base class. Using dynamic_cast and RTTI the objects can be casted back to their original type if necessary. One should be able..

Why the size of a pointer to a function is different from the size of a pointer to a member function?


type. In other words any pointer must be able to be casted to void right If so then why sizeof void is 8 while sizeof a..

Why parameters of universal reference needs to be casted, before used?


parameters of universal reference needs to be casted before used In the lecture about universal references Scott..

is NULL/false in C and C++ anything more than 0x0 / 0b0 / '\0' / 0 [duplicate]


defined to be zero NULL is guaranteed to be zero perhaps casted to void 1 . C99 § ¶3 An integer constant expression with..

object size with virtual


This is how it works in multiple inheritance if the C is casted to a B the pointer value gets adjusted by 8 bytes. A vtable..

How do I write a short literal in C++?


short 2 Yeah it's not stricly a short literal more of a casted int but the behaviour is the same and I there isn't a direct..

Which of these will create a null pointer?


Regular cast vs. static_cast vs. dynamic_cast


pointer if the object referred to doesn't contain the type casted to as a base class when you cast to a reference a bad_cast exception..

Resolving RVA's for Import and Export tables within a PE file


the address of the PE file loaded into program memory then casted this into a valid export table header. I am turning up NULL..

Why do we need “this pointer adjustor thunk”?


is a offset in between 1 . When a pointer to derived is casted to a pointer to base including implicit casts but not reinterpret..

Pointer to member conversion


not inherited from B the pointer to member 'm' cannot be casted to the type of pointer to member of B class Base class Derived..

Function signature-like expressions as C++ template arguments


perfectly fine to take in the function itself. It gets casted behind the scenes. As for your second question why it's illegal..

C++ equivalent of instanceof


NewType v dynamic_cast NewType old if v 0 old was safely casted to NewType v doSomething This requires your compiler to have..

Does the evil cast get trumped by the evil compiler?


that location pTOCONST is mutable after all. In short you casted away the const ness don't do that. Poor defenseless C... Addendum..

std::transform() and toupper(), no matching function


the following would work see the last argument how it is casted to appropriate type std transform s.begin s.end std back_inserter..

Why can't I return a double from two ints being divided


C-Style upcast and downcast involving private inheritance


type of inheritance from memory footprint After bPtr1 is casted to aPtr3 i will have to use another C style cast to downcast..

Implicit conversion when overloading operators for template classes


T is know allowing the compiler to investigate what can be casted to make the arguments match. I made an example based on yours..

Loading texture for OpenGL with OpenCV


stones.jpg because in if expr expr must be bool or can be casted to bool . But there is no way to convert cv Mat into boolean..