

c++ Programming Glossary: catching

Can objects with private copy constructors be thrown?


object and the temporary object is then passed to the catching code. The copy involves the use of the object's class copy constructor...

Run an Application in GDB Until an Exception Occurs


following throw The throwing of a C exception. catch The catching of a C exception. exec A call to exec. This is currently only..

throwing exceptions out of a destructor


handle these situations by using the public methods and catching any potential exceptions. The destructor will then finish off..

Policy with catching std::bad_alloc


with catching std bad_alloc So I use Qt a lot with my development and love..

Unable to catch c++ exception using catch (…)


don't throw exception... at least not standard ones Maybe catching windows specific native exception would help http www.gamedev.net..

Scope of exception object in C++


create an unnamed exception object and throw it then while catching that exception does it matter if I catch it by const reference..

Is assert evil? [closed]


as you use it as intended. That is it's supposed to be for catching cases that can't happen during debugging as opposed to normal..

Will C++ exceptions safely propagate through C code?


p If the exception works the C code has no possible way of catching it and p will never be freed. The same goes for any other resources..

using catch(…) (ellipsis) for post-mortem analysis


anyway . int main try All real code I see little point in catching other exceptions at this point apart from better logging maybe..

How do exceptions work (behind the scenes) in c++


void another_function void log unsigned count void my_catching_function log 0 try log 1 another_function log 2 catch const.. _Unwind_Resume .text .align 2 .p2align 4 15 .globl _Z20my_catching_functionv .type _Z20my_catching_functionv @function _Z20my_catching_functionv.. 4 15 .globl _Z20my_catching_functionv .type _Z20my_catching_functionv @function _Z20my_catching_functionv .LFB9 pushl ebp..

C++ catching all exceptions


catching all exceptions Is there a c equivalent of java's try ... catch.. to crash when called through jni. A generic exception catching mechanism would prove extremely useful. c exception share..

C++ catching dangling reference


catching dangling reference Suppose the following piece of code struct..

c++ stack trace from unhandled exception?


struct tag_stack_str std string stack_info Then when catching the exceptions you can do catch const std exception e ..

To throw or not to throw exceptions?


and also require code that is unrelated to throwing or catching exceptions to be exception safe which is why some object to..

C++ : Catch a divide by zero error


in my app it would be more efficient to try dividing and catching the error if it occurs than testing each time the divisor before..

Catching exception: divide by zero


#include iostream #include stdexcept Integer division catching divide by zero. inline int intDivEx int numerator int denominator.. equivalent is almost exactly the same Integer remainder catching divide by zero. inline int intModEx int numerator int denominator..

Why 'this' is a pointer and not a reference?


thing a pretty trivial issue though. And oops thanks for catching a few errors in my examples of undefined behavior. Although..

New (std::nothrow) vs. New within a try/catch block


Catching “Stack Overflow” exceptions in recursive C++ functions


&ldquo Stack Overflow&rdquo exceptions in recursive C functions..

How do I find where an exception was thrown in C++?


the unhandled exception. Update 2 Thanks to a blog post on Catching uncaught exceptions within terminate I learned a few new tricks..

C++ catch blocks - catch exception by value or reference? [duplicate]


exceptions in C is ... Throw by value catch by reference Catching by value is problematic in the face of inheritance hierarchies...

Catching all unhandled C++ exceptions?


all unhandled C exceptions Is there some way to catch exceptions..

Catching access violation exceptions?


access violation exceptions Example int ptr ptr 1000 can I..

C++ : Catch a divide by zero error


in exceptional cases. A valid program shouldn't do that. Catching those signals is only useful for debugging diagnosing purposes...

What type should I catch if I throw a string literal?


. Neither anything like std string nor char will catch it. Catching has restricted rules with regard to what types it match. The..

How can I catch all types of exceptions in one catch block?


you are not going to be able to recover reliably from. Catching them in this way and then swallowing them and continuing could..

Catching exception: divide by zero


exception divide by zero the following doesn't work for me..