

c++ Programming Glossary: copyconstructible

Does std::function's copy-constructor require the template type's argument types to be complete types?


function allocator_arg_t const A a F f Requires F shall be CopyConstructible . f shall be Callable for argument types ArgTypes..

How to create a container of noncopyable elements


stored in these components must met the requirements of CopyConstructible types 20.1.3 and the additional requirements of Assignable types...

Move member function generation


s member is copyable and so value is also copyable and a CopyConstructible type is also MoveConstructible because it's valid in this context..

Embarassing C++ question regarding const


stored in these components must meet the requirements of CopyConstructible types 20.1.3 and the additional requirements of Assignable types...

Standard library containers producing a lot of copies on rvalues in GCC


Class containing auto_ptr stored in vector


stored in these components must meet the requirements of CopyConstructible types 20.1.3 and the additional requirements of Assignable types...

What can and can't I specialize in the std namespace?


e.g. complex T S pecializations of shared_ptr shall be CopyConstructible CopyAssignable and LessThanComparable and convertible to bool.. convertible to bool . Specializations of weak_ptr shall be CopyConstructible and CopyAssignable. T emplate specializations of std hash shall..