

c++ Programming Glossary: getsystemtimeasfiletime

Programmatically compute the start time of a process on Windows


ft unsigned __int64 tmpres 0 static int tzflag if NULL tv GetSystemTimeAsFileTime ft I'm lost at this point tmpres ft.dwHighDateTime tmpres 32..

HPET's frequency vs CPU frequency for measuring time


requires a call of some kind. One of the fastest APIs is GetSystemTimeAsFileTime . A call requires 10 15ns. But it's resolution granularity is..

why is microsecond timestamp is repetetive using (a private) gettimeoftheday() i.e. epoch


ft unsigned __int64 tmpres 0 static int tzflag if NULL tv GetSystemTimeAsFileTime ft tmpres ft.dwHighDateTime tmpres 32 tmpres ft.dwLowDateTime..

How to Calculate Execution Time of a Code Snippet in C++


1 1601 UTC and copy it to a LARGE_INTEGER structure. GetSystemTimeAsFileTime ft li.LowPart ft.dwLowDateTime li.HighPart ft.dwHighDateTime..

How might I wrap the FindXFile-style APIs to the STL-style Iterator Pattern in C++?


L . test.dwFileAttributes FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY GetSystemTimeAsFileTime test.ftCreationTime test.ftLastWriteTime test.ftCreationTime.. L . tempData.dwFileAttributes FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY GetSystemTimeAsFileTime tempData.ftCreationTime tempData.ftLastWriteTime tempData.ftCreationTime.. L . tempData.dwFileAttributes FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY GetSystemTimeAsFileTime tempData.ftCreationTime tempData.ftLastWriteTime tempData.ftCreationTime..

Porting clock_gettime to windows


if usePerformanceCounter QueryPerformanceCounter t else GetSystemTimeAsFileTime f t.QuadPart f.dwHighDateTime t.QuadPart 32 t.QuadPart f.dwLowDateTime..

How to determine CPU and memory consumption from inside a process?


&sysInfo numProcessors sysInfo.dwNumberOfProcessors GetSystemTimeAsFileTime &ftime memcpy &lastCPU &ftime sizeof FILETIME self GetCurrentProcess.. fsys fuser ULARGE_INTEGER now sys user double percent GetSystemTimeAsFileTime &ftime memcpy &now &ftime sizeof FILETIME GetProcessTimes self..

Windows 7 timing functions - How to use GetSystemTimeAdjustment correctly?


I follow that if I query the system time for example using GetSystemTimeAsFileTime repeatingly I should either get no change the system clock has.. iostream #include iomanip int main FILETIME fileStart GetSystemTimeAsFileTime fileStart ULARGE_INTEGER start start.HighPart fileStart.dwHighDateTime.. for int i 20 i 0 i FILETIME timeStamp1 ULARGE_INTEGER ts1 GetSystemTimeAsFileTime timeStamp1 ts1.HighPart timeStamp1.dwHighDateTime ts1.LowPart..