

c++ Programming Glossary: god

Efficient data transfer from Java to C++ on windows


be to use JNI and the Named Pipe API . pipe blah making a god awful platform specific mess of both sides of the connection...

C++ Winsock P2P


for a client who specifically needs to use this technology god knows why . I need to determine whether this is feasible. Any..

wxWidgets vs Qt [closed]


is just complicated at best. You have to edit some god forsaken header file to enable features and even that it is..

Why do we use volatile keyword in C++? [duplicate]


to change me So O you ignorant stop playing an all knowing god and don't dare touch the code where I'm present. Okay Well that..

Understanding the vtable entries


object's vtable we get our object's RTTI and the vengeful god of C allows our crops to grow for another season. This page..

std::string to char*


this question It won't automatically convert thank god . You'll have to use the method c_str to get the C string version...

What happens to global variables declared in a DLL?


know that so I'll avoid mentionning multithreading locks god objects etc. 1 The order of construction of objects or different..

Why do std::string operations perform poorly?


x X if x.find ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 0 0 print Oh my god this is impossible print x's length is d len x test which gives..

cmake is not working in opencv c++ project


100 errors related to the opencv library and I swear to god I'm sure of the include folders and the libs of it in my project..