

c++ Programming Glossary: normal_distribution

C++ TR1: how to use the normal_distribution?


TR1 how to use the normal_distribution I'm trying to use the C STD TechnicalReport1 extensions to.. code adapted from this article mt19937 eng eng.seed SEED normal_distribution double dist XXX if I use the one below it exits the for loop.. std typedef std tr1 ranlux64_base_01 Myeng typedef std tr1 normal_distribution double Mydist int main Myeng eng eng.seed 1000 Mydist dist 1..

How to use boost normal distribution classes?


boost normal distribution classes I'm trying to use boost normal_distribution in order to generate a normal distribution with mean 0 and sigma.. wrong #include boost random.hpp #include boost random normal_distribution.hpp int main boost mt19937 rng I don't seed it on purpouse it's.. rng I don't seed it on purpouse it's not relevant boost normal_distribution nd 0.0 1.0 boost variate_generator boost mt19937 boost normal_distribution..

Random number generation in C++11 , how to generate , how do they work? [closed]


uint32_t uint_dist10 0 10 range 0 10 std normal_distribution double normal_dist mean stddeviation N mean stddeviation ...And..