

c++ Programming Glossary: sdl_surface

Using custom deleter with std::shared_ptr


with a custom deleter. Specifically I'm using it with SDL_Surface as std shared_ptr SDL_Surface SDL_LoadBMP .... SDL_FreeSurface.. I'm using it with SDL_Surface as std shared_ptr SDL_Surface SDL_LoadBMP .... SDL_FreeSurface which compiles and runs fine... the SDL_FreeSurface is declared as void SDL_FreeSurface SDL_Surface surface As a test and going by that information I tried the..

Why does valgrind say basic SDL program is leaking memory?


SDL.h int main int argc char argv SDL_Init SDL_INIT_VIDEO SDL_Surface screen SDL_SetVideoMode 640 480 16 SDL_HWSURFACE SDL_Quit return..

How to use a class in DLL?


void getInfo int int void initConsole char char SDL_Surface int int int void sendMsg char int SDL_Surface void cls SDL_Surface.. char char SDL_Surface int int int void sendMsg char int SDL_Surface void cls SDL_Surface private TTF_Font font SDL_Surface consoleImg.. int int int void sendMsg char int SDL_Surface void cls SDL_Surface private TTF_Font font SDL_Surface consoleImg int width pos..

_Block_Type_Is_Valid (pHead->nBlockUse) Error


addText Text text vTexts.push_back new Text text private SDL_Surface gameMainSurface vector Image vImages std vector FontPtr vFonts..

C++ #include guards


Texture2D Vector2X int void UpdateObject int void Draw SDL_Surface void SetPosition Vector2X SDL_Rect GetCollisionBox I get multiple..

Audio output with video processing with opencv


audioq int audioStream 1 int videoStream 1 int quit 0 SDL_Surface screen NULL SDL_Surface surface NULL AVFormatContext pFormatCtx.. 1 int videoStream 1 int quit 0 SDL_Surface screen NULL SDL_Surface surface NULL AVFormatContext pFormatCtx NULL AVCodecContext.. exiting n exit 1 Assuming IplImage packed as BGR 24bits SDL_Surface surface SDL_CreateRGBSurfaceFrom void img imageData img width..