

c++ Programming Glossary: unwanted

C++ Implicit Conversion Operators Precedence


and ToString That's probably a good idea to avoid unwanted conversions. You can fix your problem by leaving them and use..

Using std Namespace


use count instead of std count . The classic example of an unwanted name conflict is something like the following. Imagine that..

warning: returning reference to temporary


share improve this question This is an example when an unwanted implicit conversion takes place. is not a std string so the..

How to tame the Windows headers (useful defines)?


spoke about useful define NOMINMAX that could prevent from unwanted defining min max macros. Are there other useful defines that..

Why do we need to mark functions as constexpr?


X x x.f they're both ensuring client code doesn't hardcode unwanted dependency in both cases you wouldn't want the compiler to determine..

How to determine a region of interest and then crop an image using OpenCV


Gray image size gray.size std endl Erode image to remove unwanted noises int erosion_size 5 cv Mat element cv getStructuringElement..

How to handle a class name conflict when porting old code?


a bunch of files and I don't know if it would have unwanted repercussions later. c namespaces ambiguity share improve..

How to keep my topmost window on top?


my window to the top works yet is ugly and could have some unwanted inference with the notification window for example. Bringing..

What kinds of optimizations does 'volatile' prevent in C++?


where we need to use volatile in terms of avoiding unwanted optimization Are condition variables the only place where volatile..

Why is std::function not equality comparable?


give valid code than to prove there's no possibility of unwanted implicit conversions occurring in some previously undiscovered..

How to write an automated test for thread safety


a wrapper for a python script . In order to prevent unwanted calls I've created the following class FooWrapper public FooWrapper..

Inline member functions in C++


instances. These records will not therefore result in unwanted dependencies between modules because the linker will use them..