

c++ Programming Glossary: yesterday

Default values in C++ initializer lists


values in C initializer lists I only just learned yesterday that specifying parameters to initializer list items is optional...

C++ Win32 keyboard events


interest and asked a question related to this about yesterday While loop using a lot of CPU . The issue with the program was..

Memory management patterns in C++


related design patterns would be useful. For example yesterday I had to create a class Results that was a container for a few..

Using C++ app in .NET


to using PInvoke with Classic C and I asked this question yesterday Using Windows API functions in .NET I have now created a very..

Why is there a performance warning on cast pointer to bool?


is surprisingly helpful and found a bug in my code just yesterday. I think Martin is taking performance warning out of context...

What is the performance implication of converting to bool in C++?


is surprisingly helpful and found a bug in my code just yesterday. I think Martin is taking performance warning out of context...

Critique my non-intrusive heap debugger


This is a follow up to Critique my heap debugger from yesterday. As suggested by bitc I now keep metadata about the allocated..

Accessing protected members in a derived class


protected members in a derived class I ran into an error yesterday and while it's easy to get around I wanted to make sure that..

Interview question - Search in sorted array X for index i such that X[i] = i


X i i I was asked the following question in my interview yesterday Consider a Java or C array say X which is sorted and no two..

Write a recursive function that reverses the input string


explain it to me I've been staring at this question since yesterday and can't figure it out. The furthest I've gotten is having..

How to allocate memory space without using malloc or new operator?


malloc or new operator When my friend had his interview yesterday he was asked a question Implement a function that allocates..

App does not run with VS 2008 SP1 DLLs, previous version works with RTM versions


some testing post SP1 I've been pulling my hair out since yesterday morning. First off our NSIS installer script pulls the dlls..

What leads to incomplete types? (QGraphicsItem: Source or target has incomplete type)


This worked fine for the past two weeks or so. Yesterday I changed a few things inside the class. Most significantly..

c++11 std::async doesn't work in mingw


and mutex but noone has stepped up to do the work yet. Yesterday I posted some ideas for how to enable the C 11 thread features..

non-void function works fine even without executing return


executing return I'm a computer science college student. Yesterday I have a class about Binary Search Tree using C . We are taught..

What is the equivalent of CPython string concatenation, in C++? [duplicate]


duplicate Possible Duplicate Simple string concatenation Yesterday as I'm writing this someone asked on SO if i have a string x..

Very simple application fails with “multiple target patterns” from Eclipse


thought I'd try converting my project from Visual Studio. Yesterday I tried a very simple little test. No matter what I try make..

Will C++0x support __stdcall or extern “C” capture-nothing lambdas?


or extern &ldquo C&rdquo capture nothing lambdas Yesterday I was thinking about whether it would be possible to use the..

Most used parts of Boost [closed]


Now I write mystring boost lexical_cast string anIntVal Yesterday on stackoverflow I came across boost split another gem that..

Any improvements on the GCC/Windows DLLs/C++ STL front?


improvements on the GCC Windows DLLs C STL front Yesterday I got bit by a rather annoying crash when using DLLs compiled..

How to use boost bisection?


to use boost bisection Yesterday I had problems with another boost functions but luckily you..

Why is splitting a string slower in C++ than Python?


gain a little bit of speed and sharpen my rusty C skills. Yesterday I was shocked when a naive implementation of reading lines from..