

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:03:30

iphone Programming Glossary: addpayment

Obj-C, Storekit restoreCompletedTransactions returns zero transactions?


this code. SKPayment payment SKPayment paymentWithProductIdentifier productIdentifier SKPaymentQueue defaultQueue addPayment payment I thought maybe I had a problem with my bundle identifier but that seems fine and the buy wouldn't work if it wasn't...

what is the alternative solution for paymentWithProductIdentifier?


@ com.mycompany.dmaker.maker1 SKPaymentQueue defaultQueue addTransactionObserver self SKPaymentQueue defaultQueue addPayment payment Can anyone tell me 1 the alternative for this warning. 2 or tell me whether this project approve in appstore if..

How to download In-App hosted content?


void buy SKProduct product SKPayment payment SKPayment paymentWithProduct product SKPaymentQueue defaultQueue addPayment payment void download StoreTransaction transaction NSAssert transaction.payment.transactionState SKPaymentTransactionStatePurchased..

How do I add consumable In App Purchases using NSUserDefaults and not my own server?


SKMutablePayment alloc init payment.productIdentifier productID payment.quantity quantity SKPaymentQueue defaultQueue addPayment payment ends method... #pragma mark SKPaymentTransactionObserver... void paymentQueue SKPaymentQueue queue updatedTransactions..

How do you add a In-app purchase to an iPhone application?


paymentWithProduct product SKPaymentQueue defaultQueue addTransactionObserver self SKPaymentQueue defaultQueue addPayment payment IBAction restore this is called when the user restores purchases you should hook this up to a button SKPaymentQueue..

Apple In app purchase StoreKit error


xxxxxxxxx SKPayment payment SKPayment paymentWithProduct response.products objectAtIndex 0 SKPaymentQueue defaultQueue addPayment payment else UIAlertView alert UIAlertView alloc initWithTitle @ Purchase message @ You are not authorized to purchase from..

In App Purchase Crashes on [[SKPaymentQueue defaultQueue] addPayment:payment]


App Purchase Crashes on SKPaymentQueue defaultQueue addPayment payment My In App Purchases work. I present a ModalView with a Buy UIButton. You click the button and the In App Purchase.. payment SKPayment paymentWithProductIdentifier kInAppPurchaseCreditProductId SKPaymentQueue defaultQueue addPayment payment This is where the NSZombie Appears #pragma #pragma Purchase helpers saves a record of the transaction by.. releasing an instance then opening the view again creating a second instance . And the problem is happening within the addPayment call. This indicates that the framework still has a handle on your old released instance and is trying to send it a message...

Any (early) experiences with auto-renewable subscriptions for iOS


the payment SKPayment payment SKPayment paymentWithProductIdentifier productIdentifier SKPaymentQueue defaultQueue addPayment payment then the app will shortly resign its active state and this method on the app delegate is called void applicationWillResignActive..

Apple In-App Purchase


NSString productID SKPayment payment SKPayment paymentWithProductIdentifier productID SKPaymentQueue defaultQueue addPayment payment I have added the transaction observer in applicationDidFinishLaunching method of AppDelegate Transaction Observer..

In App Purchase user cancels tx while app in background: tx state stays on purchasing


is not logged in App Id is not set in Settings Store User clicks buy button. This calls SKPaymentQueue defaultQueue addPayment payment User immediatly preses home button app goes to background Storekit popup appears asking to confirm purchase. User..

how to get the all the identifier in in app purchase


@ com.companion.onemonth SKPaymentQueue defaultQueue addTransactionObserver self SKPaymentQueue defaultQueue addPayment payment Through this code I can get for one product but dont know how to get multiple identifiers at run time. iphone xcode..

Why In-App purchase sandbox always ask “Verification Required”?


with sandbox in app purchases in built in model no receipt verification app received valid products now i called addPayment everything alright. But now Verification required appeared and payment was canceled. After hours of pain I discovered my..