

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:03:30

iphone Programming Glossary: addtransactionobserver

what is the alternative solution for paymentWithProductIdentifier?


SKPayment payment SKPayment paymentWithProductIdentifier @ com.mycompany.dmaker.maker1 SKPaymentQueue defaultQueue addTransactionObserver self SKPaymentQueue defaultQueue addPayment payment Can anyone tell me 1 the alternative for this warning. 2 or tell me..

iOS in-app-purchase restore returns many transactions


for now developers have been sticking this in a IBAction call which requires a button SKPaymentQueue defaultQueue addTransactionObserver self SKPaymentQueue defaultQueue restoreCompletedTransactions Then the below delegate is called. void paymentQueueRestoreCompletedTransactionsFinished..

How to download In-App hosted content?


_completionHandler id init if SKPaymentQueue canMakePayments self super init SKPaymentQueue defaultQueue addTransactionObserver self return self #pragma mark MBProgressHUDDelegate void hudWasHidden MBProgressHUD hud NSAssert _progress @ ddd _progress..

How do I add consumable In App Purchases using NSUserDefaults and not my own server?


@implementation InAppPurchaser @synthesize delegate id init if self super init SKPaymentQueue defaultQueue addTransactionObserver self ends condition... return self ends method... InAppPurchaser purchaser return InAppPurchaser alloc init ends method.....

How do you add a In-app purchase to an iPhone application?


IBAction purchase SKProduct product SKPayment payment SKPayment paymentWithProduct product SKPaymentQueue defaultQueue addTransactionObserver self SKPaymentQueue defaultQueue addPayment payment IBAction restore this is called when the user restores purchases you..

In App Purchase Crashes on [[SKPaymentQueue defaultQueue] addPayment:payment]


void loadStore restarts any purchases if they were interrupted last time the app was open SKPaymentQueue defaultQueue addTransactionObserver self void requestInAppPurchaseData NSSet productIdentifiers NSSet setWithObject kInAppPurchaseCreditProductId productsRequest.. it a message. You give the framework a handle to your object in loadStore when you call SKPaymentQueue defaultQueue addTransactionObserver self I don't see anywhere where you remove self as an observer. Objects that send out notifications usually do not retain..

SKPaymentQueue addTransactionObserver asking for App Store password on startup after in-app purchase


addTransactionObserver asking for App Store password on startup after in app purchase My app is using in app purchases and most of my users can.. every time the app starts up after that. I believe this is happening on the call to SKPaymentQueue defaultQueue addTransactionObserver observer which I am calling on startup in accordance with step 6 in Apple's in app purchase guide http developer.apple.com..

Do auto-renewable subscriptions send an SKPaymentTransactionStatePurchased transaction when they auto-renew?


be detected by an App the next time the App loads if it sets itself as an observer SKPaymentQueue defaultQueue addTransactionObserver self Will the new auto renewed transaction make a call to void paymentQueue SKPaymentQueue queue updatedTransactions NSArray..

Apple In-App Purchase


Observer is a class TransactionObserver observer observer TransactionObserver alloc init SKPaymentQueue defaultQueue addTransactionObserver observer the TransactionObserver.m class @implementation TransactionObserver void paymentQueue SKPaymentQueue queue updatedTransactions..

how to get the all the identifier in in app purchase


purchase SKPayment payment SKPayment paymentWithProductIdentifier @ com.companion.onemonth SKPaymentQueue defaultQueue addTransactionObserver self SKPaymentQueue defaultQueue addPayment payment Through this code I can get for one product but dont know how to get..