

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:05:05

iphone Programming Glossary: cgpointzero

How to get a rotated, zoomed and panned image from an UIImageView at its full resolution?


setCenter CGPointMake piece center .x translation.x piece center .y translation.y gestureRecognizer setTranslation CGPointZero inView piece superview else if gestureRecognizer state UIGestureRecognizerStateEnded Put the code that you may want to execute..

UIScrollview Autolayout Issue


Check Uncheck buttons in uitableview's cell


void buttonClicked id sender Getting the indexPath of cell of clicked button CGPoint touchPoint sender convertPoint CGPointZero toView tblView NSIndexPath indexPath tblView indexPathForRowAtPoint touchPoint No need to use tag sender will keep the reference..

Drag UIView around Shape Comprised of CGMutablePaths


we don't care about default break Finally we reset the translation of the gesture recognizer recognizer setTranslation CGPointZero inView self.view So how do we move the handle toward a point We want to slide it along the path. First we have to figure..

How to erase some portion of a UIImageView's image on iOS?


UIImage color changing?


UIGraphicsBeginImageContextWithOptions size FALSE 2 CGContextRef context UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext image drawAtPoint CGPointZero blendMode kCGBlendModeNormal alpha 1.0 CGContextSetFillColorWithColor context color.CGColor CGContextSetBlendMode context.. context kCGBlendModeOverlay CGContextSetAlpha context alpha CGContextFillRect UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext CGRectMake CGPointZero.x CGPointZero.y image.size.width image.size.height UIImage tintedImage UIGraphicsGetImageFromCurrentImageContext UIGraphicsEndImageContext.. CGContextSetAlpha context alpha CGContextFillRect UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext CGRectMake CGPointZero.x CGPointZero.y image.size.width image.size.height UIImage tintedImage UIGraphicsGetImageFromCurrentImageContext UIGraphicsEndImageContext..

Drawing incrementally in a UIView (iPhone)


self.frame.size CGContextRef ctx UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext ctx is now the image's context cachedImage drawAtPoint CGPointZero if myPoints count 0 Drop drop myPoints objectAtIndex myPoints count 1 CGContextClipToMask ctx self.bounds maskRef respect.. maskRef draw the mask CGContextSetBlendMode context kCGBlendModeColorBurn set blending mode cachedImage drawAtPoint CGPointZero draw the cached image EDIT After all I combined one of the methods mention below with redrawing only in the new rect. The..

Detecting which UIButton was pressed in a UITableView


path is calculated from that coordinate void checkButtonTapped id sender CGPoint buttonPosition sender convertPoint CGPointZero toView self.tableView NSIndexPath indexPath self.tableView indexPathForRowAtPoint buttonPosition if indexPath nil ... ..

Drawing a PNG Image Into a Graphics Context for Blending Mode Manipulation


imageNamed @ other image name.png CGSize size uiimage.size UIGraphicsBeginImageContext size uiimage drawAtPoint CGPointZero blendMode kCGBlendModeOverlay alpha 1.0 uiimage2 drawAtPoint CGPointZero blendMode kCGBlendModeOverlay alpha 1.0 UIImage.. size uiimage drawAtPoint CGPointZero blendMode kCGBlendModeOverlay alpha 1.0 uiimage2 drawAtPoint CGPointZero blendMode kCGBlendModeOverlay alpha 1.0 UIImage blendedImage UIGraphicsGetImageFromCurrentImageContext UIGraphicsEndImageContext..

Inner Shadow in UILabel


UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext CGSizeMake 0 1 1.0f UIColor colorWithWhite 0.0 alpha 0.5 CGColor cutout drawAtPoint CGPointZero create negative image UIGraphicsBeginImageContextWithOptions rect.size NO 0 UIColor blackColor setFill custom shape goes..

Getting a screenshot of a UIScrollView, including offscreen parts


CGPoint savedContentOffset _scrollView.contentOffset CGRect savedFrame _scrollView.frame _scrollView.contentOffset CGPointZero _scrollView.frame CGRectMake 0 0 _scrollView.contentSize.width _scrollView.contentSize.height _scrollView.layer renderInContext..

How do I export UIImage array as a movie?


Passing custom data in [UIButton addTarget]


use something like this IBAction buttonPressed UIButton sender CGPoint buttonOriginInTableView sender convertPoint CGPointZero toView tableView NSIndexPath indexPath tableView indexPathForRowAtPoint buttonOriginInTableView NSData customData myDataSource..

How can I use CGContextDrawTiledImage to tile an image?


imageViewSize CGContextRef imageContext UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext CGContextDrawTiledImage imageContext CGRect CGPointZero imageViewSize tileImage UIImage finishedImage UIGraphicsGetImageFromCurrentImageContext UIGraphicsEndImageContext imageView.image..

Moving a Stick figure, anchorpoints, animation, or something else…?


you can do one of two things change the position to screen width 2 screen height 2 change the anchorPoint to 0 0 aka CGPointZero You can imagine the latter is easier to do. If you'll never move the background it's fine doing that. However for a scrolling..

Draw glow around inside edge of multiple CGPaths


easier than a pure CoreGraphics approach UIImage invertedImageWithMask UIImage mask color UIColor color CGRect rect CGPointZero mask.size UIGraphicsBeginImageContextWithOptions rect.size NO mask.scale Fill the entire image with color. color setFill..

How to know the UITableview row number


or view hierarchy navigation are too much work . Do this in your action method CGPoint hitPoint sender convertPoint CGPointZero toView self.tableView NSIndexPath hitIndex self.tableView indexPathForRowAtPoint hitPoint Works with any type of view multi..

Transforming a rectangle image into a quadrilateral using a CATransform3D


created a kit for doing this on iOS https github.com hfossli AGGeometryKit Make sure your anchor point is top left CGPointZero . CATransform3D rectToQuad CGRect rect quadTL CGPoint topLeft quadTR CGPoint topRight quadBL CGPoint bottomLeft quadBR..