

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:05:05

iphone Programming Glossary: cgrectgetmaxy

How to make Supplementary View float in UICollectionView as Section Headers do in UITableView plain style


origin.y MIN MAX contentOffset.y cv.contentInset.top CGRectGetMinY firstObjectAttrs.frame headerHeight CGRectGetMaxY lastObjectAttrs.frame headerHeight layoutAttributes.zIndex 1024 layoutAttributes.frame CGRect .origin origin .size layoutAttributes.frame.size..

Iphone: Is it possible to hide the TabBar?


window parent.superview UIView animateWithDuration 0.5 animations ^ CGRect tabFrame tabBar.frame tabFrame.origin.y CGRectGetMaxY window.bounds tabBar.frame tabFrame content.frame window.bounds 1 void showTabBar UITabBar tabBar self.tabBarController.tabBar.. window parent.superview UIView animateWithDuration 0.5 animations ^ CGRect tabFrame tabBar.frame tabFrame.origin.y CGRectGetMaxY window.bounds CGRectGetHeight tabBar.frame tabBar.frame tabFrame CGRect contentFrame content.frame contentFrame.size.height..

Rounded Corners on UIImage


radius PNDegreeToRadian 270.0 PNDegreeToRadian 360.0 NO CGPathAddArc borderPath NULL CGRectGetMaxX interiorRect CGRectGetMaxY interiorRect radius PNDegreeToRadian 0.0 PNDegreeToRadian 90.0 NO CGPathAddArc borderPath NULL CGRectGetMinX interiorRect.. radius PNDegreeToRadian 0.0 PNDegreeToRadian 90.0 NO CGPathAddArc borderPath NULL CGRectGetMinX interiorRect CGRectGetMaxY interiorRect radius PNDegreeToRadian 90.0 PNDegreeToRadian 180.0 NO CGContextBeginPath maskedContextRef CGContextAddPath..

Smoothing a rounded stroke in Core Graphics


CGFloat minx CGRectGetMinX rect midx CGRectGetMidX rect maxx CGRectGetMaxX rect CGFloat miny CGRectGetMinY rect maxy CGRectGetMaxY rect CGMutablePathRef path CGPathCreateMutable CGPathMoveToPoint path NULL minx miny CGPathAddArcToPoint path NULL minx..

How to fill a path with gradient in drawRect:?


CGPoint startPoint CGPointMake CGRectGetMidX rect CGRectGetMinY rect CGPoint endPoint CGPointMake CGRectGetMidX rect CGRectGetMaxY rect CGContextDrawLinearGradient context gradient startPoint endPoint 0 CGGradientRelease gradient gradient NULL CGContextRestoreGState..

Find a point, a given distance, along a simple cubic bezier curve. (On an iPhone!)


30 rect.size.height 0.33 p2 CGPointMake CGRectGetMidX rect CGRectGetMinY rect p3 CGPointMake CGRectGetMidX rect CGRectGetMaxY rect p4 CGPointMake 30 CGRectGetMaxX rect rect.size.height 0.66 UIColor blackColor set UIBezierPath bezierPathWithRect rect..

Drawing in CATiledLayer with CoreGraphics CGContextDrawImage


floorf CGRectGetMaxX rect 1 tileSize.width int firstRow floorf CGRectGetMinY rect tileSize.height int lastRow floorf CGRectGetMaxY rect 1 tileSize.height for int row firstRow row lastRow row for int col firstCol col lastCol col if row 0 continue UIImage.. tileSize.width scale tileSize.height scale int col floorf CGRectGetMaxX rect 1 tileSize.width int row floorf CGRectGetMaxY rect 1 tileSize.height CGImageRef image self imageForScale scale row row col col if NULL image CGContextTranslateCTM ctx..

Find the tangent of a point on a cubic bezier curve (on an iPhone)


30 rect.size.height 0.33 p2 CGPointMake CGRectGetMidX rect CGRectGetMinY rect p3 CGPointMake CGRectGetMidX rect CGRectGetMaxY rect p4 CGPointMake 30 CGRectGetMaxX rect rect.size.height 0.66 UIColor blackColor set UIBezierPath bezierPathWithRect rect..

iOS — how do you control the size of a modal view controller?


self.view addSubview myHalfView CGRect offScreenFrame myHalfView.bounds offScreenFrame.origin CGPointMake 0.0 CGRectGetMaxY self.view.frame Now animate the view upwards UIView beginAnimations nil context nil Move the view upwards the height of..

Round two corners in UIView


rect midx CGRectGetMidX rect maxx CGRectGetMaxX rect CGFloat miny CGRectGetMinY rect midy CGRectGetMidY rect maxy CGRectGetMaxY rect CGContextBeginPath context CGContextSetGrayFillColor context 1.0 0.0 CGContextAddRect context rect CGContextClosePath..

how to enable text input in UITextField which is in UIActionSheet?


void viewDidLoad self CreateSlideOut self slidePopup super viewDidLoad void CreateSlideOut CGRect frame CGRectMake 0 CGRectGetMaxY self.view.bounds 320 480 backToOriginal frame popup UIView alloc initWithFrame frame popup.backgroundColor UIColor orangeColor..

Recreate recipient bubble behaviour in Mail.app / Three20


2.0 capPadding textSize.height double offsetX CGRectGetMaxX myRect CGRectGetMaxX badgeBounds 2.0 double offsetY CGRectGetMaxY myRect CGRectGetMaxY badgeBounds 2.0 badgeBounds CGRectOffset badgeBounds offsetX offsetY textBounds CGRectOffset textBounds.. textSize.height double offsetX CGRectGetMaxX myRect CGRectGetMaxX badgeBounds 2.0 double offsetY CGRectGetMaxY myRect CGRectGetMaxY badgeBounds 2.0 badgeBounds CGRectOffset badgeBounds offsetX offsetY textBounds CGRectOffset textBounds offsetX offsetY..

Creating pdf Thumbnail in iphone


pageRect.size CGContextRef context UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext CGContextTranslateCTM context CGRectGetMinX pageRect CGRectGetMaxY pageRect CGContextScaleCTM context 1 1 CGContextTranslateCTM context pageRect.origin.x pageRect.origin.y CGContextDrawPDFPage..

iOS Draw Rectagle with curved ends


rrect midx CGRectGetMidX rrect maxx CGRectGetMaxX rrect CGFloat miny CGRectGetMinY rrect midy CGRectGetMidY rrect maxy CGRectGetMaxY rrect CGContextMoveToPoint context minx midy CGContextAddArcToPoint context minx miny midx miny radius CGContextAddArcToPoint..

How to draw a triangle programmatically


ctx CGRectGetMaxX rect CGRectGetMidY rect mid right CGContextAddLineToPoint ctx CGRectGetMinX rect CGRectGetMaxY rect bottom left CGContextClosePath ctx CGContextSetRGBFillColor ctx 1 1 0 1 CGContextFillPath ctx share improve this..

How to align baselines of text in UILabels with different font sizes on iOS?


majorLabel.frame const CGFloat scale UIScreen mainScreen .scale const CGFloat majorLabelBaselineInSuperView CGRectGetMaxY majorLabel.frame majorLabel.font.descender const CGFloat minorLabelBaselineInOwnView CGRectGetHeight minorLabel.frame minorLabel.font.descender..