

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:05:05

iphone Programming Glossary: cgrectoffset

How to Hide iAD


@ animateAdBannerOn context NULL assumes the banner view is offset 50 pixels so that it is not visible. banner.frame CGRectOffset banner.frame 0 94 UIView commitAnimations self.adBannerViewIsVisible YES void bannerView ADBannerView banner didFailToReceiveAdWithError.. NSLog @ nBanner Failed UIView beginAnimations @ animateAdBannerOff context NULL banner.frame CGRectOffset banner.frame 0 94 UIView commitAnimations self.adBannerViewIsVisible NO Just specify location of iAd in your code then..

ios-Facebook SDK 3.0 Error 5 When Posting Status Update


arrayWithObjects @ status_update nil FBLoginView loginview FBLoginView alloc initWithPermissions perms loginview.frame CGRectOffset loginview.frame 5 5 loginview.delegate self self.view addSubview loginview Do any additional setup after loading the view..

iPhone Keyboard Covers UITextField


iPhone - How do you make a resizable rectangle for cropping images?


void drawRect CGRect rect Drawing code if self.image nil return CGPoint offset scrollView.contentOffset clipRect CGRectOffset self.frame offset.x offset.y UIImage croppedImage image croppedImage clipRect CGContextRef ctx UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext..

How to add a 'Done' button to numpad keyboard in iOS7


.0 options note.userInfo objectForKey UIKeyboardAnimationCurveUserInfoKey intValue animations ^ self.view.frame CGRectOffset self.view.frame 0 0 completion nil else locate keyboard view dispatch_async dispatch_get_main_queue ^ UIWindow tempWindow..

How do I hide iAd banners when no ads are being served?


beginAnimations @ animateAdBannerOff context NULL assumes the banner view is at the top of the screen. banner.frame CGRectOffset banner.frame 0 50 UIView commitAnimations self.bannerIsVisible NO Now what I'm struggling withs is what to do with that..

iAd left white blank screen after closed


NSClassFromString @ ADBannerView if adClass nil iAdView ADBannerView alloc initWithFrame CGRectZero iAdView.frame CGRectOffset iAdView.frame 0 50 iAdView.requiredContentSizeIdentifiers NSSet setWithObject ADBannerContentSizeIdentifier320x50 iAdView.currentContentSizeIdentifier.. @ animateAdBannerOn context NULL banner is invisible now and moved out of the screen on 50 px banner.frame CGRectOffset banner.frame 0 50 UIView commitAnimations iadViewIsVisible YES void bannerView ADBannerView banner didFailToReceiveAdWithError.. context NULL banner is visible and we move it out of the screen due to connection issue banner.frame CGRectOffset banner.frame 0 50 UIView commitAnimations iadViewIsVisible NO iphone ios4 iad share improve this question Eventually..

Create a mask from difference between two images (iPhone)


not created n return NULL Draw images CGContextSetBlendMode context kCGBlendModeNormal CGContextDrawImage context CGRectOffset bottomFrame renderFrame.origin.x renderFrame.origin.y bottomRef CGContextSetBlendMode context kCGBlendModeDifference CGContextDrawImage.. renderFrame.origin.y bottomRef CGContextSetBlendMode context kCGBlendModeDifference CGContextDrawImage context CGRectOffset topFrame renderFrame.origin.x renderFrame.origin.y topRef Create image from context CGImageRef imageRef CGBitmapContextCreateImage..

iPhone: Create a reusable component (control) that has some Interface Builder pieces and some code


self loadFooBarViewForData data fooBarView.frame fooBarViewFrame self.view addSubview fooBarView fooBarViewFrame CGRectOffset fooBarViewFrame 0 FOOBARVIEW_HEIGHT FooBarView loadFooBarViewForData MBSomeData data NSArray topLevelObjects NSBundle mainBundle..

create uibutton subclass


UIActivityIndicatorView alloc initWithActivityIndicatorStyle UIActivityIndicatorViewStyleGray _activityView.frame CGRectOffset _activityView.frame 60.0f 10.0f self addSubview _activityView return self void dealloc super dealloc _activityView release..

Recreate recipient bubble behaviour in Mail.app / Three20


myRect CGRectGetMaxX badgeBounds 2.0 double offsetY CGRectGetMaxY myRect CGRectGetMaxY badgeBounds 2.0 badgeBounds CGRectOffset badgeBounds offsetX offsetY textBounds CGRectOffset textBounds offsetX offsetY CGContextFillEllipseInRect context CGRectMake.. CGRectGetMaxY myRect CGRectGetMaxY badgeBounds 2.0 badgeBounds CGRectOffset badgeBounds offsetX offsetY textBounds CGRectOffset textBounds offsetX offsetY CGContextFillEllipseInRect context CGRectMake badgeBounds.origin.x badgeBounds.origin.y capDiameter..

how to display test IAd banner in the simulator


@ animateAdBannerOn context NULL Assumes the banner view is just off the bottom of the screen. bannerView.frame CGRectOffset bannerView.frame 0 bannerView.frame.size.height UIView commitAnimations self.isBannerVisible YES void bannerView ADBannerView.. @ animateAdBannerOff context NULL Assumes the banner view is placed at the bottom of the screen. bannerView.frame CGRectOffset bannerView.frame 0 bannerView.frame.size.height UIView commitAnimations self.isBannerVisible NO And my xib connections are..

UITableViewCell, Delete Button Frame?
