

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:07:01

iphone Programming Glossary: dispatch_release

How do I correctly use ABAddressBookCreateWithOptions method in iOS 6?


error accessGranted granted dispatch_semaphore_signal sema dispatch_semaphore_wait sema DISPATCH_TIME_FOREVER dispatch_release sema else we're on iOS 5 or older accessGranted YES if accessGranted NSArray thePeople __bridge_transfer NSArray ABAddressBookCopyArrayOfAllPeople..

UIStringDrawing methods don't seem to be thread safe in iOS 6


13 for int i 0 i 10000 i NSString string @ My string CGSize size string sizeWithFont UIFont boldSystemFontOfSize 13 dispatch_release queue The app crashes after a few iterations of the loops with the following backtrace thread #1 tid 0x2403 0x00ad40c8 stop..

iPhone: AVCaptureSession capture output crashing (AVCaptureVideoDataOutput)


question In setting up the video output the newly created dispatch queue is not released. You can release it with dispatch_release queue But I don't believe this function gets called too often so the leak probably originates elsewhere. Browsed your code..

How to properly release an AVCaptureSession


output dispatch_queue_t queue dispatch_queue_create augm_reality NULL output setSampleBufferDelegate self queue queue dispatch_release queue previewLayer AVCaptureVideoPreviewLayer layerWithSession session retain previewLayer.frame view.bounds view.layer.. queue self dispatch_set_finalizer_f queue capture_cleanup output setSampleBufferDelegate self queue queue dispatch_release queue self retain ... Unfortunately I now have to explicitly stop capturing. Otherwise releasing my instance won't free..

iPhone SDK 4 AVFoundation - How to use captureStillImageAsynchronouslyFromConnection correctly?


queue queue dispatch_queue_create cameraQueue NULL captureOutput setSampleBufferDelegate self queue queue dispatch_release queue NSString key NSString kCVPixelBufferPixelFormatTypeKey NSNumber value NSNumber numberWithUnsignedInt kCVPixelFormatType_32BGRA..

This code to write video+audio through AVAssetWriter and AVAssetWriterInputs is not working. Why?


NULL _videoOutput setSampleBufferDelegate self queue queue _audioOutput setSampleBufferDelegate self queue queue dispatch_release queue Setting up AVAssetWriter and associating both audio and video AVAssetWriterInputs to it BOOL setupWriter NSError error..

Applying Effect to iPhone Camera Preview “Video”


your output. dispatch_queue_t queue dispatch_queue_create myQueue NULL output setSampleBufferDelegate self queue queue dispatch_release queue TO we want our dispatch to be on the main thread output setSampleBufferDelegate self queue dispatch_get_main_queue..

AVAssetWritter does not work with audio


1 30 dispatch_queue_t queue dispatch_queue_create MY QUEUE NULL output setSampleBufferDelegate self queue queue dispatch_release queue audio_output AVCaptureAudioDataOutput alloc init retain queue dispatch_queue_create MY QUEUE NULL AudioOutputBufferDelegate.. normal_delegate self special_delegate retain audio_output setSampleBufferDelegate special_delegate queue queue dispatch_release queue session startRunning Here is the beginning and end of recording if recording Hence stop recording video_button setTitle..

What are the tradeoffs between performSelector:withObject:afterDelay: and dispatch_after


EDIT about unscheduling a block I have never tried to unschedule a block from a queue but there is a possibility that dispatch_release also allows you to control that. If it does not you could define your custom queue for the block that you want to cancel..

Wait for assetForURL blocks to be completed


Core Data and threads / Grand Central Dispatch


a save notification and call the method below BOOL success newMoc save error if success Deal with error newMoc release dispatch_release request_queue And in response to the context save notification void mergeChanges NSNotification notification dispatch_async..

Load image to a tableView from URL iphone sdk


Why does this code cause “EXC_BAD_INSTRUCTION”?


dispatch_semaphore_t aSemaphore dispatch_semaphore_create 1 dispatch_semaphore_wait aSemaphore DISPATCH_TIME_FOREVER dispatch_release aSemaphore When the program runs to dispatch_release aSemaphore it will cause EXC_BAD_INSTRUCTION and then crash. Why iphone.. 1 dispatch_semaphore_wait aSemaphore DISPATCH_TIME_FOREVER dispatch_release aSemaphore When the program runs to dispatch_release aSemaphore it will cause EXC_BAD_INSTRUCTION and then crash. Why iphone ios grand central dispatch share improve this..

iPhone take augmented reality screenshot with AVCaptureVideoPreviewLayer


YES captureOutput setSampleBufferDelegate self queue queue captureOutput setVideoSettings videoSettings dispatch_release queue else handle failure previewLayer AVCaptureVideoPreviewLayer layerWithSession captureSession UIView aView arOverlayView.. YES captureOutput setSampleBufferDelegate self queue queue captureOutput setVideoSettings videoSettings dispatch_release queue ......configure audio feed add inputs and outputs buffer delegate callback void captureOutput AVCaptureOutput captureOutput..

AVCaptureSession specify resolution and quality of captured images obj-c iphone app


your output. dispatch_queue_t queue dispatch_queue_create myQueue NULL output setSampleBufferDelegate self queue queue dispatch_release queue Specify the pixel format output.videoSettings NSDictionary dictionaryWithObject NSNumber numberWithInt kCVPixelFormatType_32BGRA..

How can I mute the capture sound in AVFoundation?


queue queue dispatch_queue_create cameraQueue NULL captureOutput setSampleBufferDelegate self queue queue dispatch_release queue Set the video output to store frame in BGRA It is supposed to be faster NSString key NSString kCVPixelBufferPixelFormatTypeKey..