

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:07:09

iphone Programming Glossary: distantfuture

pause button when pressed again to resume reloading view controllers


NSDate dateWithTimeIntervalSinceNow 0 retain previousFireDate timer fireDate retain timer setFireDate NSDate distantFuture void resumeTimer float pauseTime 1 pauseStart timeIntervalSinceNow timer setFireDate previousFireDate initWithTimeInterval..

?examine a response while webView:shouldStartLoadWithRequest:naviagiontType… waits?


pool NSAutoreleasePool alloc init NSRunLoop currentRunLoop runMode NSDefaultRunLoopMode beforeDate NSDate distantFuture pool drain if downloadYESorNO YES NSLog @ Do the download return NO else NSLog @ will show in webView return YES void connection..

NSURLConnection delegation and threading - iPhone


How do I do an Asychronous NSURLConnection inside an NSOperation?


delegate self if urlConnection nil do NSRunLoop currentRunLoop runMode NSDefaultRunLoopMode beforeDate NSDate distantFuture while done self willChangeValueForKey @ isFinished self willChangeValueForKey @ isExecuting finished YES executing NO Clean..

NSURLConnection blocking wrapper implemented with semaphores [closed]


delegate self while self.lock.finished NSRunLoop currentRunLoop runMode NSDefaultRunLoopMode beforeDate NSDate distantFuture self.lock consume ^ NSData data if callback nil callback data return self void connectionWithURL NSURL url callback..

iPhone: how to use performSelector:onThread:withObject:waitUntilDone: method?


is a variable that is used to control the thread existence... runloop runMode NSDefaultRunLoopMode beforeDate NSDate distantFuture pool release And the next line NSThread myThreadTemp NSThread alloc init Should be replaced by this one NSThread myThreadTemp..

Fetch all events from EventStore EventKit iOS


predicateForEventsWithStartDate startDate endDate endDate calendars calendarArray I have tried using distantPast distantFuture as startDate and endDate no good. So other A's from other Q's are not exaclty wha im looking for. Thank you EDIT I have..

Objects Sorting With date ,Time Problem in Array(Iphone Development)


this question How about NSArray myArray NSArray arrayWithObjects NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys NSDate distantFuture @ theDate nil NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys NSDate distantPast @ theDate nil nil NSLog @ Before sorting @..

How to Pause/Play NSTimer?


NSDate dateWithTimeIntervalSinceNow 0 retain previousFireDate timer fireDate retain timer setFireDate NSDate distantFuture else if startStop.titleLabel.text isEqualToString @ Resume startStop setTitle @ Pause forState UIControlStateNormal startStop..