

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:07:37

iphone Programming Glossary: drawingwithquartz2d

Show PDF in iPad using CGPDF APIs


Here are some examples on how to do it http developer.apple.com mac library documentation GraphicsImaging Conceptual drawingwithquartz2d dq_pdf dq_pdf.html# apple_ref doc uid TP30001066 CH214 TPXREF109 I have spent a lot of time on this and it seems you need..

Cocoa Touch - Comparing Images


and drawing into them is here http developer.apple.com iphone library documentation GraphicsImaging Conceptual drawingwithquartz2d dq_context dq_context.html# apple_ref doc uid TP30001066 CH203 CJBHBFFE The difference for you is that you're drawing an..

How to generate a thumbnails form a PDF document with iPhone SDK?


the Apple PDF documentation with Quartz http developer.apple.com library ios #documentation GraphicsImaging Conceptual drawingwithquartz2d dq_pdf_scan dq_pdf_scan.html# apple_ref doc uid TP30001066 CH220 TPXREF101 but i do not know how to generate the thubmnails..

pdf file text reading and searching


the text in PDF document iPhone xcode http developer.apple.com library mac #documentation GraphicsImaging Conceptual drawingwithquartz2d dq_pdf_scan dq_pdf_scan.html# apple_ref doc uid TP30001066 CH220 CJBDCGCB Reading PDF files as string through iPhone application..

How to create PDF document using iPhone SDK? [duplicate]


How to render a radial gradient onto a new UIImage on an iphone


UIImage iphone . I saw the following http developer.apple.com library ios #documentation GraphicsImaging Conceptual drawingwithquartz2d dq_shadings dq_shadings.html And it made me think i need to use CGShadingRef or CGGradientRef and use UIImage's 'imageWithCGImage'..

UIImage Shadow Trouble


here's a link to the documentation http developer.apple.com iPhone library documentation GraphicsImaging Conceptual drawingwithquartz2d dq_shadows dq_shadows.html# apple_ref doc uid TP30001066 CH208 TPXREF101 Next try adding something like this right before..