

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:10:04

iphone Programming Glossary: heres

iPhone interaction with ASP.NET WebService


avaialble in the web with little setup you will be able to perform gets and post from the iphone using NSURLRequest. Heres an article that talks about making a restful wcf service http www.developer.com net article.php 10916 5F3695436 5F2 . Its..

UITextField subview of UITableViewCell to become first responder?


responder then on the viewDidLoad method you can set the UITextField in the UITableViewCell to be first responder. Heres some example code remember I'm doing this in a UITableViewController so I am creating the tableview as well void loadView..

iPhone Dev: Animating PNG Sequences


Dev Animating PNG Sequences What is the best or recommended technique for animating PNG Sequences. Heres what I've learned Do it Manually Using MutableArrays containing Strings you can animate a UIImageView with a timer which..

Convert Image to B&W problem CGContext - iPhone Dev


that rotates images based off of transform depending on the orientation. What it does is fixes this weird rotate bug. Heres the code snippet UIImage rotateImage UIImage image int kMaxResolution 320 Or whatever CGImageRef imgRef image.CGImage CGFloat..

UIScrollView Infinite Scrolling


the same. This works perfectly if I scroll slowly or enable paging but if I go fast not even very fast it goes mad Heres the code void scrollViewDidScroll UIScrollView scrollView float pageNumber scrollView.contentOffset.x 320 float pageCount..

About UIAlertView with Textfield…


NSInteger buttonIndex just take the value of the textfield and do the operations you want with it..... Heres the revised code UITextField myTextField ... UIAlertView myAlertView UIAlertView alloc initWithTitle NSLocalizedString @..

iPhone, how I hide a tab bar button?


reason 'Directly modifying a tab bar managed by a tab bar controller is not allowed.' Call stack at first throw Heres my full code think I'm close. My Sample project iphone objective c xcode share improve this question You would need..

ASIHTTP: Upload UIImage?


access_token 12345 RequestType PUT iphone objective c uiimage asihttprequest http put share improve this question Heres an example using ASIFormRequest that will also attempt to compress the image to given maximum size Compress the image CGFloat..

iPhone, Obj-C, How can I use in app email from an actionsheet button click while using addSubview?


HelpViewController alloc initWithNibName @ HelpView bundle nil onPage page vw addSubview vc.view return vc autorelease Heres the example code without any of my many attempts to make it work.. MFMailComposeViewController picker MFMailComposeViewController..

Detect horizontal panning in UITableView


thing i tried was making it scroll myself but then you will miss the persistent speed after stopping the touch. Heres some code In the viewdidload method UIPanGestureRecognizer slideRecognizer UIPanGestureRecognizer alloc initWithTarget self..

Recording Audio and Video using AVFoundation frame by frame


image compression by size - iPhone SDK


any third party library Thanks for any help. iphone ios api uiimagejpegrepresentation share improve this question Heres some example code that will attempt to compress an image for you so that it doesn't exceed either a max compression or maximum..

xcode 4.2 soundboard? [closed]


there that can answer this question by putting up a fully working code for iPhone Xcode 4.2 thank you for your time. heres my code but it has errors #import ViewController.h @interface ViewController @end @implementation ViewController IBAction..

iPhone Make POST request, handle cookie


in correctly a cookie should be dropped then I will make another request if this is the case. Any help appreciated heres the code I am working with NSHTTPCookieStorage sharedHTTPCookieStorage setCookieAcceptPolicy NSHTTPCookieAcceptPolicyAlways..

UIWebView gets cleared after dismissing a fullscreen modal


html string again on viewWillAppear which fixes it but this causes makes the content flick back on which i don't want. heres my code void viewDidLoad self loadArticleText ... void loadArticleText NSString htmlHead @ html head ... NSString htmlFoot..

Get PDF hyperlinks on iOS with Quartz


use it to open the URL with UIApplication's openURL iphone ipad pdf quartz graphics share improve this question heres the basic idea to get to the annots CGPDFDictionary for each page atleast. after that you should be able to figure it out..

Upload data to wcf service with AFNetworking? Finally working! (contains both c# and obj-c codes)


from iphone to wcf service. i dont have experience on both wcf and afnetworking. i've stuck on this step for days and heres the progress that i've made WCF Service for uploading files note that i've copied this code from Codeproject website . public.. the wcf service. I've also found that AFNetworking framework is quite popular on ios so i've decided to use it. heres my code for uploading file i've come this far please help me in this situation. thanks for helping OK heres the new information.. to use it. heres my code for uploading file i've come this far please help me in this situation. thanks for helping OK heres the new information Fırst of all the c# code to upload file to the wcf service which is working protected void Button1_Click..

Obj-C: __block variables


JSONObjectWithData responseData options NSJSONReadingMutableLeaves error jsonError if jsonError nil heres the src of error display data NSLog @ array @ timeline displayStr @ whats the deal with this i tried this but i.. displayStr retain else display error end block de request else display error end block de store then heres where i get the bad access error self.lastTweetText setText displayStr end getTweet also thanks for the help guys iphone..